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Everything posted by DaddyBuiltRacing

  1. Whew whoo!!!! No more leaks!!!! Big thanks to my buddy AJ for tig welding the fitting to the rail for me Tomorrow I am going to reset the timing just to make sure its 100% right, recheck valve clearance, get crank pulley and alt belt on. Then I am going to pull the plugs and crank it over for 30 seconds to prime the oil pump. After that its a waiting game on my buddy to come tune it on initial startup. Gives me some time to double check all my AN fittings, all bolts and stuff like that. Cross your fingers cause I just might get this thing running and painted by this Sunday
  2. I...O!!! There is only 17 days til first Buckeye game
  3. Didnt reall go out here in Heath on either night. I did drive through the madness though to get to parts store, the people that were out there were fucking idiots. We was in my buddies civic, not revving or doing burnouts, yet being called a Rice Burner by bitches with bigger bellies then me and dudes with less teeth then my 3 month old son. Honestly I didn't see many mopars, there was a lot of broke dick trucks out there doing burnouts though. Kinda glad I didn't make it out
  4. I used to be a big wreslting fan, Sting was always my favorite. I actually met him along with a few others i.e Ric Flair, Steiner Brothers, Lex Luger and Ricky the Dragon Steamboat when I was 5. I think the reason WWE has gotten so terrible is because WCW is no longer around. Basically WWE can put out whatever product they want because there really is no other competition. If you say TNA your wrong, TNA is nothing but old fucks from the glory days. WWE needs to bring back the attitude era where sex and violence ruled and Stone Cold was the shit
  5. Pam would still get it, even with the Hepititus C that she has
  6. Prob the worst roast of all honestly. I didn't think any of them were overly funny. They all had funny moments minus Hulk Hogan, that guy fucking sucked. I wonder who the next roast is going to be on.
  7. I need to sell this so I can buy a new fuel rail, its the only thing stopping my car from running
  8. 8/14/10: Well my mission has failed lol. Not only did I not get the car painted, I didn't get it running either. There is good excuses on both however, the fuel rail decided it wants to leak so I am going to have to replace it. We have tried teflon tape, tried using a liquid sealer... The car isn't painted because point blank it was way too hot out (heat index above 100) and I would rather put it inside my dads booth instead of risking it in my garage and getting dirt and bugs in it. Most of my time last night and today was wasted on trips back and forth to various auto part stores lol. Now I did make some progress haha. Let me start by giving a big thanks to my Dad, Brent and Nick for coming over and helping me these last 2 days. My dad was a wiring machine, he extended my chassis harness so it would reach my engine harness (about 40 wires). While he was working on that me and Brent decided to mount the battery box. I then descovered that my battery cable from previous car in which I had the battery kit in was too short. This started one of the many adventures haha. I went to every parts store only to find that either they didnt sell cable long enough or they wanted $120 dollars for a 20ft piece. I ended up getting the cable from Home Depot for $1.36 a ft, so fuck you Napa, Autozone, Advance and Car Quest. The one big thing I did manage to get done was re-installing my dash and all the remaining interior I had taken out. Also got the gauges ran and wired up. I also went and sat for over an hr waiting to get tags for it. I also got alot of other small things done but too tired to list them all. So for now heres a few pics... Battery Box Mounted: http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/Car%20Pics/4dr%20GSR/101_0752.jpg Dash Re-Installed: http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/Car%20Pics/4dr%20GSR/101_0753.jpg http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/Car%20Pics/4dr%20GSR/101_0754.jpg Tomorrow I plan on painting the part of the fender that bolts on under the hood. Getting the bumper and fenders in primer. Get fenders back on the car. I also have to go pick up a crank pulley from a friend and then re-check the timing and valves to make sure they are good to go.
  9. I am protesting the foxhole as well, you ever been to that "fine establishment"...notice the sarcasm.
  10. Oh god....and to think Honda kids are actually attempting to steal the VW trends and think its cool
  11. More things checked off, inside taking a break before going outside to start masking car off. Hoping to have it in color before midnight, but we'll see how that goes lol
  12. Cmon someone come through and pick this up.
  13. Yeah i'll be in cbus on the weekends once I get it running. Also there is Import Faceoff on the 29th of this month at Trails which i'll be at
  14. Alright so I am on a mission to have this thing running and driving by Saturday nights Mopar cruise here in Heath. I have came up with a game plan and hoping to conquer it. Heres what I am thinking: Tonight: Install Radiator Hoses: (Done) Mount Battery Box: (Done) Run Battery Cables: (Done) Wire up Fuel Pumps Sand Fenders: (Done) Sand Bumper: (Done) Wetsand Car: (Done) Paint Car Friday: Install Dash: (Done) Install Gauges/Wire them up: (Done) Install Door Seals: (Done) Install Vacuum Lines: (Done) Install Water Hoses: (Done) Self Align Saturday: Get Tags: (Done) Weld Up Exhaust Start Car Up Tune Check All Bolts Drive
  15. Hardest game is going to be the one against Wisky...I think he puts up huge numbers and will be invited to NY. I honestly think the QB from Boise wins it. I can garauntee you it wont be Ingram from Bama to win it again. If Tebow couldn't win 2 Heismans, no way in hell that kid is going to. He might not even be the best RB on Bama's team, they have a Freshman that is ridiculous and is going to split carries with him.
  16. Pryor announced Monday that he has no plans on leaving school early, so it could possibly be back to back NC's and Heismans if this team lives up to the pre-season hype.
  17. Sure you can, you can store stuff underneath it lol. Need to sell this so I can buy tags in order to take car out Saturday for first time in year!
  18. I have 2 engine stands and really don't need to have 2 of them lol. Therefore 1 of them has to go, I have a grey one that I am wanting to part with. Its nothing fancy, but its not beat to hell, it holds motors which is a good thing. Has a few stickers on it from various part companies $30 picked up takes it Trying to have my car running/painted/tuned and tagged by Saturday lol.
  19. Umm Saturday would be fucking awesome, that way I could take it out to the Mopar cruise in Heath lol. I am really debating on buying some wetsand paper tomorrow and painting the damn thing in my garage.
  20. $100 dollars takes this. I really need to sell it so I can get tags for my Integra
  21. Idk there is a lot of nice cars on here and some still in the making. I just like to keep my thread up to date, my gf has been copying all the updates I post online and putting a book together for me to keep. This week I am hoping to get the harness installed, dash back in the car, gauges hooked up, radiator hoses installed, vaccum lines ran and prepare to start the car Sunday. My buddy Steve Wilson aka ef8sirjunkie (I believe thats his name on here still) is going to come down Sunday with his wideband. From the very first start up the car will be tuned just to be safe. I don't wanna risk anything on this car because I really hate crying lol.
  22. Thanks, its a long way from where I want it to be
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