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Everything posted by DaddyBuiltRacing

  1. Thank you, hopefully its in the car and running by April. 1/18/10: My buddy whom I bought my transmission off of went through his box of transmission parts yesterday. In that box he found several sliders, which is what is wrong with my transmission. Freebie!!! Hopefully one of these bad boys is the correct one, we shall see once I tear my trans apart. http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/Car%20Pics/4dr%20GSR/100_2277.jpg
  2. 1/17/10: Janurary in Ohio, gotta love it!! Nothing else to do so I started tearing apart the stock engine harness to get it ready for tucking. Figured it was easiest to mock it up while its out of the car. I noticed I am not gonna be using a couple plugs due to the Victor X not having places for all the stock sensors. Here is the harness mocked up on engine stand after cutting the old tape and loom off. I haven't started to "tuck" it yet, just got everything mounted and labled so I know what plug goes where. http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/Car%20Pics/4dr%20GSR/100_2276.jpg Heres some of the old tape and loom that will no longer be needed. You would be suprised just how sticky this shit is 15 years later lol. http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/Car%20Pics/4dr%20GSR/100_2275.jpg I already have some tube shrink and wire laying around from the gf's CRX wire tuck. I will be ordering flame retardent kevlar loom for the entire harness next month most likely.
  3. Yeah fuck what others think lol. I do plan on having my car on the road by summer.
  4. Either way one fact remains, Gilbert Arenas is a dumbass who gets paid way too much money to play a game.
  5. 1/16/10: Well today I got something I had been waiting on for 4 months now lol. No its not a clutch, its not a set of Drive Shaft Shop 1000hp axles, no its not that Bullseye Power turbo I plan on getting....you guessed it, its my Baby On Board stickers lmfao!! I got not 1 but 2 of these bad boys, and to make it even better, I got a portable bottle warmer. This badboy plugs in the cigarette lighter and heats bottles on the go lmfao!! Oh yeah I also got the upper alternator bracket bolts that I ordered from Honda a couple days ago: http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/Car%20Pics/4dr%20GSR/100_2272.jpg http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/Car%20Pics/4dr%20GSR/100_2274.jpg
  6. where the hell did you hear this story? He pulled a unloaded hand gun on a teammate as "a joke" over a poker debt that was owed. Thats the story that ESPN and every news network I have seen has been reporting since day 1
  7. Oh god I was waiting on when the race card would be pulled on this one. Im watching Jim Rome on ESPN and one of the guys on there, which is a black guy is saying that if Arenas was white this wouldn't be a big deal....lmfao! Bwahaha this dude just said white people don't wanna see Gilbert Arenas making One Hundred and Eleven Million dollars, lmfao holy hell. I am seriously laughing at this fuck tard. Next thing you know Al Sharpton will be in this shit
  8. Nope, just stating facts. i just hate seeing people get out of shit because they have a celebrity status.
  9. Umm he pulled a gun on another person, a weapon that he did not have a license for, not to mention this was done at his place of employment. Me or you do this and we are having a stand off with the swat team! What funny joke was I trying to put out there? The fucking truth? If you don't think OJ got away with murder then your an idiot, money talks, bullshit walks...the end! Plaxico Buress got 2 years in prison for shooting his self Chedder Bob style! Ray Lewis T.I Puffy Gilbert Arenas What do they all have in common? They were all charged for various gun charges yet none of them got a damn thing!
  10. That was funny, that show...well not so much. MTV has totally gone to hell
  11. Washington Post is reporting he has reached a plea deal which will allow him to serve little to no time at all. Gee thats really showing him huh, just another fucked up scenario in our society. Its all about how much money you make, make enough of it and you can get away with murder...oh wait we've already seen that from a sports star too
  12. Good!! I agree that if you cheat you get punished
  13. I love how no one says anything about I Am Legend, theres a black guy saving the world, or the Book of Eli, another black guy saving the world....those aren't racist though right? People are fucking idiots, how can you ever get rid of racism, if you claim everything to be racist.
  14. If you wipe out his records then you better wipe out everyones records through that entire era. Pitchers and hitters were both cheating, cheating is nothing new to sports either. Hell pitchers have been known to put vasoline under their helmet to help their curveball break more, sand paper on their finger tips ect... A-roid is going to end up breaking the all time home run record, will you wipe his record out too? Barry Bonds holds the single season record for home runs, you gonna wipe his out as well?
  15. Seriously some people should just kill themselves. http://movies.yahoo.com/news/movies.ap.org/some-see-racist-theme-alien-adventure-avatar-ap I dropped a black piece of shit in the toilet earlier, I must be racist cause I said black and piece of shit in the same sentence
  16. I am against roid use to, not because it taints sports, but more so that it destroys your body as you get older.
  17. 49 homers his rookie year, its not like the guy couldn't hit a ball to begin with. Steroids do not make you hit a fast ball, they might make you stronger, but you still need the god given talent. The dude could hit from the get go, he roided up to jump start the healing of injuries. I be Jose Canseco is loving life right now. Which leads me to another point, Jose was dead on in his 2 books with revelations of who was using, yet everyone and their brother black balled the dude and labled him a liar. If you haven't read his books I reccomend you go to your library and get Juiced to start off with. McGwire came out about it now because he is about to start being the hitting coach for the Cardinals. Its either answer it now, or get hounded everyday until you break down and answer on terms outside of your own. You know people give hitters a bunch of shit for using roids, but pitchers were juicing just as much. Hell Roger Clemens and Andy Pettite are the 2 main one everyone claims were roiding up. That whole era is tainted from hitters to pitchers, if your gonna put fault on just 1 to 2 guys you are being foolish. Its sad that McGwire and Sosa have been labeled cheaters. If it werent for that summer in 1998 baseball would be dead and would have become much like Hockey has. You ask most common people to tell you something from 1998 and I bet 8 out of 10 will mention Sosa vs McGwire Home Run Chase. I really don't understand outside of healing injuries why any baseball player would use roids. Baseball is not about brute strength like say Football. You have to be agile, flexable and coordinated to play in the field, being big and bulky is not an advantage in baseball.
  18. Theres a whole lot of (1)'s being passed out thats for sure
  19. I have over 400k cards, litterally. I was bored 1 year during spring break in 7th grade, it rained all fucking week so I counted baseball cards with my buddy. Yes we was that damn bored lol, anyways there is 0 market for these things anymore. I remember during the 1998 season Mark McGwire and Sammy Sosa rookie cards were going for up to 400 a piece, I have over 100 of each and thought "boy these will be worth a fortune when I am older" well here we are 11 years later and they are worth 5 bucks, prob less now that McGwire has came out and admitted he used roids. I have cards from the 50's 60's 70's 80's 90's and 2000's. 2 Uncles, dad and neighbor all gave me their ball cards, not to mention the ones I collected over a period of 15 years or so when I was heavy into ball cards and sports in general. If I could get .10 cents per card I'd be super happy lol. Unfortunately unless you swindle an elementary school kid your not going to get jack shit out of them. This topic makes me wanna go through my ball cards now damnit
  20. Dont even run Honda MTF, the new shit is junk. Just use regular motor oil. Talk to Mista Bone on ohiohondas he is the transmission guru and he swears by motor oil for transmissions
  21. Oh lord, I hate this time of the year. I am such a sucker for the little girls standing outside of wal=mart selling these things. I have seriously bought 3 cases at one time and my 2 roomates at the time did the same lol.
  22. They should be suspended too, but when its a whole team you can't really suspend them all, or can you? They would have to forfeit games and that would be a disaster for the NBA in financial terms
  23. I am most likely going to go with Twin Walbros intank. I found a good deal on a setup plus I just don't think the aeromotive is what I am wanting for a street car.
  24. Athletes for some fucking reason are held on this mythical pedistal. They are getting paid millions to play a fucking game, while other people struggle every day to even get work at a temp service. Then you have ones like this fucking idiot who bring a gun to his place of employment, pulls it on a co-worker then makes a mockery of it. If you or I were to take a gun to our place of employment we'd be having a standoff with the cops plain and simple. I hope he never plays again. You wanna act like a fucking idiot then you should pay the price.
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