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Everything posted by DaddyBuiltRacing

  1. Tim Tebow and his mom... Just kidding! So far I have been dissapointed again this year with the commercials
  2. Yeah dish sucks in the winter time. I used to have one and anytime it snowed heavily my service went out, same thing with heavy rain fall. I have been told that spraying Pam or something similar on the dish will help keep the snow off, now how legit that really is I do not know.
  3. I have these laying around and they need a new home. All 4 look just like the one pictured, they are in good shape, painted a gold/bronze color. I have been told they came on 92-95 Civic's. They were on 14'' rims that I pulled from a parts car. Pm me some offers http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/hubcaps.jpg
  4. In order to declare an outage, there needs to be 3 people on the same node completely out of service. If there was an outage tech routed for every customer that was out of service there wouldn't be enough techs to go around. The rep you talked to in customer service might not have the technical training that you do, your not talking to a tech your talking to a sales rep basically... I worked in a golf call center before. I know jack shit about the technical aspects of golf clubs, heads, ect...yet I was "trained" to do my best helping customers out. If I could not give the correct answer I had to issue a tech ticket to our technical support team who would then call the customer back. That could take up to a week before the tech team got back to the customer, its kinda fucked up but thats just how some companies systems work.
  5. They usually have them in stock...I know they had one in stock when I got mine.
  6. Thats a deal if your dead set on s300
  7. Haha yeah, I just feel bad for the black guy in the group. You know he's going to die for sure
  8. Have you looked into ectune? It has the same shit as Hondata and cost $65bucks...pm Steve aka ef8sirjunkie on here he is an authorized ectune dealer
  9. Drakes real name is Aubrey...cmon seriously? He and Lil Wayne are both garbage. Lil Wayne has to put out 10k songs a year for people to "this his shits hot", he sings through his nose. Also did someone really say Nelly and 50cent were 2 of the only remaining originators? 50 and Nelly are both shit as well. Nelly is pop rap and 50 makes love songs ala Ja Rule.
  10. Creepy...I would be down to go exploring there with a group
  11. People actually care about hockey? I am more suprised with that then his firing
  12. 1/31/10: Wire tuck day!! Only worked on it for a couple hours but pretty happy with what I got done today. Got the fuel injector harness all done and mocked up on the motor. Here is what I started with today: http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/Car%20Pics/4dr%20GSR/100_2346.jpg Borrowed my buddies Haynes manual and started going through the wiring schematics to figure out which wire goes to which plug. After figuring out what went where I started to cut wires label them: http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/Car%20Pics/4dr%20GSR/100_2333.jpg I decided to start on the fuel injectors first since there is only 8 wires for them. I started with injector #1 and worked over to #4, soldered every connection point that I had cut, electrical taped it and heat shrunk it as well. (I changed how soldered the wires together after this pic was taken so it lays more flush instead of pointed upwards): http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/Car%20Pics/4dr%20GSR/100_2347.jpg http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/Car%20Pics/4dr%20GSR/100_2348.jpg Then I took the labels that I had bought from Radio Shack and started to label the injectors individually (also labled the entire loom later on for future reference): http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/Car%20Pics/4dr%20GSR/100_2349.jpg Got the fuel injector harness soldered, taped, labeled and loomed: http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/Car%20Pics/4dr%20GSR/100_2355.jpg Then it was mock up time: http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/Car%20Pics/4dr%20GSR/100_2350.jpg http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/Car%20Pics/4dr%20GSR/100_2354.jpg http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/Car%20Pics/4dr%20GSR/100_2351.jpg And finally just a shot of what it now looks like looking at the motor with the injectors and plugs installed: http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/Car%20Pics/4dr%20GSR/100_2353.jpg I will be finishing up the rest of the harness this week, gonna work on it at night after work, so bare with me. I'll have updates as progress is made
  13. Way ahead of ya lol, already looking into both. Just got other things I need to buy at the moment, the pulley can wait til I go boost
  14. $300 obo 98 GSR 5 speed transmission Mileage unknown but I could find out from previous owner if need be Pops out of 3rd gear due to bad 3rd gear slider, however I will toss in a box full of sliders so you can fix it I have pictures in my build thread of this transmission if you need pics for reference. Its pretty clean looking
  15. 1/29/10: Wire tuck supplies...check!! The kevlar loom that I ordered came today. http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/Car%20Pics/4dr%20GSR/kevlarloom.jpg
  16. LBJ and DWade would not work on the same team. They both need the ball way too much, there fore it wouldn't work. You really think DWade is going to step aside and become Lebrons little sidekick? No way in hell does a SUPERSTAR like Wade take a step back to be in the shadows of anyone. He was not in Shaqs shadow because Shaq was an aging player and not the superstar he once was ala his Orlando and LA days. Plus the Knicks do not have that much money, you can't spend the entire payroll on 2 guys. The knicks have no PF or Center plus they are terrible to begin with. Adding LBJ and DWade does not make them an instant contender, they would have to build around those 2. However since you just spent the bank on 2 players your chances of landing quality players to support them is now very minimal due to you not being able to pay them what they feel they are worth. LBJ is not a dummy, he knows what brings media attention and ratings. He flirts with the talk of leaving after this season and going to NY just to please the writers. Cleveland is year in and year out a contender, they have gotten better year after year and have signed just about anyone and everyone he has wanted them to.
  17. 1/28/10: One hell of a deal falls into my lap today. A buddy falls into shitty luck and is forced to sell his Full Blown Twin Walbro setup. This setup goes intank which is nice since I really don't wanna hassle with running an intank and inline pump, plus I don't want to run an external pump like a Weldon or Aeromotive and just have it hanging under my car. We'll just say the price I paid for this is what the hanger sells for alone http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/Car%20Pics/4dr%20GSR/fullblown3.jpg http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/Car%20Pics/4dr%20GSR/fullblown2.jpg http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/Car%20Pics/4dr%20GSR/fullblown.jpg
  18. 1/25/10: Well since I am going to be doing my wire tucked engine harness this coming weekend, I figured I might as well start buying supplies. I found these nifty little things at Radio Shack, wire labels. You know the same thing that Rywire and Chasebays charge $100 bucks extra to do? Yeah those same things that cost me $2.34 after tax for 24 of them. http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/Car%20Pics/4dr%20GSR/labels2.jpg http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/Car%20Pics/4dr%20GSR/labels.jpg
  19. Yeah I have ran all the windows updates. I will try what wnaplay posted and see if that works.
  20. I don't have a vista cd.... I thought about that but I dont know anyone with a vista cd either.
  21. Alright we have a HP DV6700 that came with Vista. One morning we woke up and the computer wouldn't work, so we installed windows XP into it since we had it laying around. After we installed that we have been unable to use our wireless internet and have no sound what so ever. Anyone have any ideas on what to do in order to get the sound back and be able to use our wireless. Don't really wanna take it to a shop and be without a computer for a few days. I have tried finding the sound drivers and downloading them but I am either totally computer dumb or they just arent working. All help is appriciated
  22. Lmfao I have cut several CRX's in half. I am out of sawzall blades or I would do that to this one.
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