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Everything posted by DaddyBuiltRacing

  1. Doing a pretty good job keeping Dwight in check so far. Its the damn 3 balls by Orlando that are hurting the cavs. I am saying this now Lebron will either win it or assist in winning this game in the last 2-3 seconds
  2. Made a new thread please close this one. Thanks!
  3. I bought a complete GSR motor for my current build to use as my donor motor. I had planned on sending this head out to Laskey to have Portflow do the work on it. However I have found a better deal locally. So this head needs to go. It came from a running motor that had spun a bearing. The head appears to be fine with no bent valves or anything of that nature. The headgasket was in good shape when I pulled the motor apart leading me to believe that the head has not been over heated, thus not warped. Now heres the bad news: I had intentions of running different cams in this head so I sold the stock cams and cam gears. The head did not come with a vtec solenoid and I do not have an extra one. Does not come with valve cover. Also one manifold side is missing most of its studs, but thats a quick fix and fairly inexpensive. Other then that its complete with LMA's and Cam Caps. Asking $300 picked up. Pm is key!! http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/head4.jpg http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/head3.jpg http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/head1.jpg http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/head6.jpg http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/head5.jpg http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/head2.jpg
  4. I am the one that said he is not a threat. 8-10 of those points came on free throws. He is a piss poor free throw shooter but had a great night at the line last game. He has no shot outside of a dunk so really if you can keep him off the boards your going to limit his scoring. You do have to keep Orlando from making 3's. Honestly if the Cavs can just get a few shots to fall they are up 2-1. What were they 3-20 from 3point range last game.
  5. I hate this damn show. Kate is a fucking bitch and I would cheat on her ass too lol. Seems to me that they are in it now for the money and don't seem to be into the kids like they should. If you watch that episode which I was forced to watch last night with my gf lol, you will see that Kate can not stand having kids.
  6. Don't worry we'll blow them to hell and back then pay to rebuild their country. Isn't that how our government works?
  7. 5/26/09:My friend bought a set of Gold BDL cam gears but ended up not using them. His loss is my gain lol. http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/Car%20Pics/4dr%20GSR/bdl.jpg
  8. I did a couple gas tanks with Rhino Liner for a semi driver. I painted them a marroon color after applying the rhino liner. You can paint right over top of it instead of trying to buy it in a certain color. Just apply the liner, prime it then paint it. Kinda like painting a honda valve cover after wrinkle painting it.
  9. They have to win tomorrow in Orlando or the series is over. Orland has already shown they can win in Cleveland which suprised the shit out of me
  10. This series is going to goto 7. Lebron has shown up in all 3 games but the rest of the Cavs must not realize they have games to play. As for shutting down Howard....why? He's not an offensive threat other then a dunk. They need to focus on stopping the 3 ball. Orland lives and dies by the 3, if you can stop them from hitting those shots you can beat them.
  11. Yeah your right, sorry i'm not a sheep like most and think political correctness is the way to go. Here we'll fix your country while ours goes to hell and back. BTW how many weapons of mass destruction has our country found over there? Oh thats right....but im sure the taliban is just hoarding them underground waiting to release them on us. Nah instead they'll just send people over to be trained by us then fly our planes into our buildings, all because we allowed them to live in our country illegally. Wanna debate?
  12. And thats our problem how? For all I care they can blow themselves to pieces and the US should not stick their nose in others business. However the US thinks they are big billy badass and will stick their nose in anywhere just in attempt to make themselves look better, ultimately making us look worse. Theres a reason so many countries in the world hate us
  13. It is wierd how people walking or riding a bike are the first to get fucked with. I live up on campus and bikes are everywhere.
  14. The place in Newark is called Legends and they usually pay top dollar. However like has been said before the price for these has gone down. 2 years ago I was getting 100-150 for a small foreign, now your lucky to bring 60 for one.
  15. Thats who I am pulling for as well. I saw Matt Hughes walking down High St during the arnold and damn he is a little guy
  16. I too have an inside source. One of my buddies just happens to be a ref for UFC lol. He told me that Lesnar got a raw deal the first fight vs Mir, the refs are taught to give a warning for blows to the back of the head, Lesnar never got that warning instead the fight was stopped.
  17. Hell yeah takes a lot of money lol
  18. My buddy will be calling you
  19. Fedor is not in UFC purely based on Dana not wanting to pay his fighters what many feel they are worth. This has been long known. Dana is to MMA what Puffy is to rap, neither want to pay top dollar. As for him vs Brock that would be sweet, I also feel Brock is going to hand it to Mir, hell watch their first fight he dominated that showdown. Had it not been for a young mistake such as trying to jump over your opponent Lesnar would still be undefeated.
  20. 5/15/09:Today the block arrived at Laskey. Upon inspection Mike discovers that my main journals are a little out of round. No big deal an align hone will solve this issue. I also got around to painting my wiper arms. They were silver, now they are a nice black, nothing major but one of those little things that has been driving me nuts
  21. Its a tossup between he and Megan Fox for most overplayed celebrity online. Either way I would bang her and would not want to fuck with Fedor lol
  22. I have been stimulating the economy of late lol. Honestly it hasn't effected me between the trash truck thing and working for my dad I have more then enough work at the moment. Now thats not to say in 6months I could be homeless and looking for a job. Like v8beast said peole saving every little bit they can are honestly causing more bad then good. You can't jumpstart an economy when there is no money out there, gotta spend folks.
  23. 5/14/09:Today my oem oil pickup finally arrived. Also boredom struck so I busted out the old paint can and heres what became of it: Remember my Moroso oil pan I got a couple days ago? If you don't heres a refresher: http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/Car%20Pics/4dr%20GSR/pan.jpg Well like I stated boredom got the best of me and I did some painting: In Primer http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/Car%20Pics/4dr%20GSR/primered.jpg 2 coats of gold applied http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/Car%20Pics/4dr%20GSR/paintedpan2.jpg Stickers put back on and clear coated http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/Car%20Pics/4dr%20GSR/panpainted.jpg
  24. Not according to your last gf
  25. Well that'll be a short fight
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