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Everything posted by DaddyBuiltRacing

  1. Ok well since we have so many "talented" musicians on this board i'll post another song of theirs The first song I posted was a song designed for an ad, so yeah it did kinda suck As for lyrics, your the same group of people that prob thought Soulja Boy "Crank Dat" was earth breaking...
  2. My buddy back home was telling me about this new band he's been listening to called Crooked X, so I thought i'd share the wealth: http://youtube.com/watch?v=sbyPvPM8wls&feature=related The drummer and lead singer are 15, guitarist and bassist are both 14 lol. These kids have more talent running through them alot of adults. They have a song on Rock Band
  3. He was a better ball player back when he was a known drunk! After his Freshman year his career flatlined. He will still get drafted, you can't teach 6'8 330lbs. I saw him at Mirror Lake, he's a large man lol
  4. Atleast the commercials were better this year
  5. Not trying to thread jack or be a dick but 2k for stock 1.5 honda with rust? Kinda high honestly just trying to help you sell car, I would try 1700 Good luck on sale man, oh and pics would help your case
  6. That shit is nasty!! One of my favorites:
  7. So since everyone else is posting up threads about upcoming movies, I figured I'd get in on the act too Sequel to Davinci Code
  8. Turn UFC worldwide? Are you kidding me, they are the most successful company in the world, why do you think others like Pride, Elite XC and possibly Affliction are going out of business? They are basically a monopoly. No other "big time" company will be able to give him the money he wants, however some of the japanese groups will be able to give him the top money since he would be top dog of their company. In UFC he would be just another fighter.
  9. Its an awesome movie, saw it last night
  10. Jardine beat Chuck when no one predicted that. I hate Jardine and Rampage, but Free Tickets I am not going to turn those down. Also Fedor will never be in UFC, he and Dana absolutely hate one another. Not to mention he can make more money fighting over seas then what UFC is willing to pay him
  11. Let me know when you get the first one done, i'd like to see pics. Hell wanna use my car for a test subject lol
  12. That is one of the few ladies that have actually made me want to climb through a tv and smack the shit out of them. Her voice alone makes me want to slit my wrist. Funny ass video, wonder what kinda trouble Elizabeth got into after the show went off the air
  13. Funny how Penn was calling GSP a quitter...who was the one that quit last night? I cannot stand Bj Penn I think he is an arrogant fuck and I was glad to see GSP whip his ass. There is already speculation that after GSP's next fight, if he wins he will get a shot at Silva. The next couple UFC's look kinda boring to me. I am going to the one in March. Its main event is Rampage vs Jardine....yawn, but hey free tickets i'll go. April looks pretty badass with Liddell vs Shogun on the card as well as Silva fighting in the main event. As for Huerta his last fight is in March in Columbus he is going hollywood! He wants to do movies, he said "I see Chuck and Randy in their late 30s early 40s hitting their prime as a fighter, well hollywood doesnt wait on a young face so i gotta capitalize while I can". He's Tito Ortiz all over lol, I like Huerta as a fighter though.
  14. Anybody wanna start an online T shirt company, then sell for millions later down the road?
  15. They are both fat: http://omg.yahoo.com/photos/waiting-for-a-star-to-fall/2617?nc#id=5 http://omg.yahoo.com/photos/waiting-for-a-star-to-fall/2617?nc#id=2 http://omg.yahoo.com/photos/waiting-for-a-star-to-fall/2617?nc#id=3 http://omg.yahoo.com/photos/waiting-for-a-star-to-fall/2617?nc#id=1 Oh and just to prove these are real here's her sister talking about it http://celebrity.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=celebrity.blog
  16. Price? Might have a couple buddies interested in this
  17. Gonna go on a limb and say...Honda haha
  18. Close this he got the parts he needed
  19. Anyone got used motor oil laying around that they are trying to get rid of? I will take it all if its in jugs/barrels. My dad's friends shop uses it to heat with. I don't want to pay for your used oil so don't tell me about the 20 gallons you'll let go for 50 bucks lol
  20. Yeah what you wanna give me for it?
  21. What pistons? The ones I text you about today and you said you wanted to hold off on? lol
  22. Fedor vs Couture would be amazing or Fedor vs Lesnar would be sweet too. BTW I watched this in the comfy confines of my living room on my laptop. Found a site that had live stream of it. Anyone else notice how horrible Tito Ortiz is as a ring announcer/interviewer
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