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Everything posted by DaddyBuiltRacing

  1. Not football related, but this is crazy http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/highschool-prep-rally/george-mason-basketball-recruiting-10-old-fifth-grader-103330020.html "Typical growth projections would have Jones grow to be nearly 7-feet tall" I don't think projections mean a whole lot honestly cause I was projected to be 6'2ish, I am 6'6. I know kids who were 6ft in 8th grade and to this day are 6ft
  2. Print this out, pass it around, whatever just help us promote the event please!! Also if you are living under a rock and haven't RSVP'd now is your chance https://www.facebook.com/events/302362609905944/ http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy218/guy_from_nerk/flyer2edited_zps63bb5aa1.jpg
  3. I disagree with that, now if you would've said Notre Dame in your statement I might have agreed with you. Outside of OSU and Notre Dame I don't think Urban would be coaching right now.
  4. I think OSU it's self brought Urban to OSU. It wouldn't have mattered who the AD was, he was "retired" the job was open, it was one of his dream schools, ect..
  5. Please send him south!! http://www.mystatesman.com/weblogs/bohl-games/2013/oct/31/texas-interested-ohio-state-ad/
  6. Hell has frozen over, CBS which is pretty Pro SEC has now written 2 nice articles on OSU http://www.cbssports.com/collegefootball/writer/dennis-dodd/24165885/ohio-state-is-great-but-lousy-big-ten-is-ruining-its-bcs-dreams They too are pointing out that the B10 really isn't that good as a whole "Ohio State has a schedule strength of 68th, per the NCAA. Based on future opposition for the remainder of the season -- all conference games -- that schedule strength is 96th." "During those 20 straight wins, the Buckeyes have played one team ranked in the top 16 at the time of kickoff. That would be Northwestern earlier this month, No. 16 at the time. The Wildcats have since lost four consecutive games." "This isn't like 2004 when Auburn went 13-0 and the SEC melted into a puddle of sadness and rage. Tom Tuberville was canvassing AP voters in the press box trying to salvage a split championship that year. SEC commissioner Mike Slive dug in and made it his life's work to start what we will know next year as the College Football Playoff. This is the Big Ten which, while we weren't looking, became something close to C-USA. At least perception-wise."
  7. Looking at the schedule ahead and next year, I really don't know when OSU's first loss will come. I mean it could very well be this Saturday (prob not) or it could be Michigan (prob not), B10 championship game, bowl game? Until the b10 steps it up and another team becomes a legitimate threat to OSU they should win every conference game handily.
  8. Good article, won't change shit but still a good article. You know what will be bigger news, OSU's first loss under Urban and I would almost bet money on that
  9. LOL I didn't give it a hit, someone on scout did
  10. Opening up this can of worms again lol....Apparently it's fucked up for OSU to hang points on opponents but totally fine for others to do it ""Your team is winning by 49 points with about one quarter of football to play, your opponent is driving, and on fourth down, apparently gets enough yards for a first down at your 20. So what do you do as coach? You call for a replay, which overturns the spot of the ball and gives you and your 56-7 lead possession on downs. This, ladies and gentleman, is a coach who simply can’t check his ego. If this fall doesn’t work out for Ohio State; if the Buckeyes go unbeaten and don’t play for the BCS National Championship, Urban Meyer will have no one to blame but himself. You don’t pull that stunt and not feel the ramifications from the coaches poll or the Harris Poll, where former coaches and administrators vote. Those two polls account for two-thirds of the BCS process, and can all but eliminate a team from consideration. Don’t think for a moment that—all things being equal, and if it comes down to three or four teams for two spots—last week’s stunt won’t be on the mind of voters. Let’s not get confused here. What Meyer did wasn’t running up the score. It was much worse. What he did was tell the 65 scholarship players at Penn State—a team with 20 less scholarship players than his own, and a team that has lived hell the last two seasons through no fault of its own—that a 49-point humiliation wasn’t disheartening enough. You’ve had the worst night of your life, young men. And now I’m going to make it worse. I called or texted 10 BCS coaches in the last few days, and each made it a point to say that Meyer’s decision had nothing to do with running up the score. Pouring it on, they all said, is leaving starters in the game. Meyer had his starters out midway through the third quarter. “That wasn’t running up the score,” said one BCS coach. “That’s being a (expletive deleted).”" Written by Matt Hayes
  11. Seems like the media has turned on him since coming to OSU. I bet if he were to try doing the same thing while at OSU they would mock him for it
  12. Those little bastards I tell ya. I don't know if it's just a mental thing with OSU or if Purdue just puts their entire season on the line for this 1 game, but they always give OSU fits. I hope this year is different cause I really don't wanna be surrounded by Purdue fans talking mad shit to us lol. I'll be there in my I hate Ohio State attire of course, so maybe they'll cut me some slack. Remember Urban Meyer lobbying that year, that in order to be in the NCG you should have to win your conference....I do
  13. Good deal man! We have quite a few people venture over from Columbus for this. What sort of car will you be in so I know to introduce myself?
  14. I would like to see some of those USC teams vs the recent Bama teams.
  15. No AP championship if the winner of the NCG is Bama or FSU, their body of work will still look more impressive in the eyes of the voters.
  16. Long time no update, the car has been tuned. We decided to just do wastegate pressure for now. The cams I switched to this year require an 80lb valve spring, my current ones are only 68lb. I would rather upgrade these over the winter and not risk floating a valve. Plus I just want to drive the car before snow fall. I am happy with the results though, last year on this dyno (very low readon) the car made 404whp on 20psi (pump gas), this year on 10 (creeping to 12) it made 396, so at least 8psi less boost yet making close to the same power. I can only imagine it on 30-35lbs with some good gas in it. I wish the track was still open, we had our buddies Integra tuned on the same dyno, it made "218whp" but went out and ran 12.8@115 on first time out. http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/Car%20Pics/4dr%20GSR/702320_10151965780579015_282091090_n_zpsc86c96da.jpg
  17. Lot of football yet to play, we'll see how it works out.
  18. No, I love Ohio State regardless if they are undefeated, 6-6 or 0-12 (although I am sure this will be me hating on them). How I feel about OSU plays no role on them making it to the NCG, how the voters feel about them does however play a role. I think the playoff will create more trouble than people see right now. I have said this since they announced it was a 4 team playoff. They are hoping 4 teams go undefeated each year, what happens when you have years where 6 major conference champions are undfeated? Who gets left out then? The 2 teams with the least impressive resume in the eyes of voters once again (I call the committee heading the playoffs voters).
  19. So now you're playing numbers don't lie? LOL. Sadly the media and voters care about the polls. Nebraska will prob be another 4 loss team. How much longer does Bo stay the head coach there?
  20. BTW you like my new avatar? I made it just for you guys haha
  21. Iowa is better than decent? They have lost to every ranked team they've faced haha. They have wins against Missouri St, Iowa St, W Michigan, Minnesota and NW in OT. They lost to OSU, Michigan St and Northen Illinois. I think the gap between #1-2 and the rest of the league is huge. We'll see that by seasons end when a lot of the current 2 loss teams are 3-4 loss teams. What needs to happen is the big 10 to go undefeated in the bowl season and do it big. That would help sway the perception some hopefully
  22. I knew what you meant and I agree that it's fucked up. It just shows the lack of respect that the Big Ten is currently getting. My point this entire time lol
  23. I am not buying into any of that. I am buying into the fact that OSU's opponents aren't very good. Wisconsin is the best win that OSU has plain and simple. They are ranked 24th and will be ranked around the same come seasons end if they win out and win their bowl game. There is no debating that right now. If Michigan State somehow wins out, gets in the top 10 then there is 1 quality win for OSU. The question then becomes is it too little too late? If it makes you feel better, many feel that Florida State will start losing ground due to their schedule as well.
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