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Everything posted by DaddyBuiltRacing

  1. Nice to see the backups, young guys and walkons get some playing time today. It's always a good time when your 4th string running back goes for over 100 yards haha. #8 Greene is a big ass dude!
  2. They said Braxton was 85% and would've played today but he went so hard in practice that he was sore lol. I think he plays next week, how much he plays is TBD though. This game is a joke, but it'll be nice to see a lot of the backups get some playing time. I wonder if Guiton plays at all in the 2nd half
  3. ESPN reporting that Miller will not play today. I hope we get to see a lot of the 2nd and 3rd string guys today and early. In a game like this there is no reason why the starters and a guy like Guiton should be in there for the 2nd half. Get em off the field and avoid injuries.
  4. I saw an interview of him on sportscenter last night and he said he's too old to start over, but $$$ talks lol. I would love to see him leave the SEC just to watch that conference flip out, however I don't want to see him at Texas. That state is loaded with talent and they would instantly be in the conversation once again.
  5. Should the NCAA make some sort of salary cap? http://sports.yahoo.com/news/ncaaf--could-texas-bidding-war-make-nick-saban-college-football-s-first--10-million-coach--224337644.html
  6. Yeah exactly, OSU has to hope teams like Wisconsin, Northwestern and Michigan all win at least 9 games.
  7. Clemson still has Florida State and South Carolina on it's schedule. If they beat both those teams they will have the more impressive record in my opinion. The Big10 teams need to keep winning and hopefully help OSU's strength of schedule. That's why I personally want Michigan to go undefeated until they face OSU.
  8. ACC just protecting it's best team lol. I really think if more than 2 teams go undefeated OSU is left on the outside looking in. You very well could have all the following undefeated teams come seasons end: Alabama/LSU Oregon/Clemson Clemson/Florida State Louisville Ohio State It usually doesn't happen, but it very well could
  9. Did anyone else catch the Clemson/NC State game last night? I think NC St got screwed personally and I also think their OL should be suspended and have charges pressed against him for the uppercut he threw. I can't go around uppercutting people, even though I would like to. What makes it any different that it occurred on a football field? http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/ncaaf-dr-saturday/clemson-ot-isaiah-battle-lands-uppercut-n-c-032816591--ncaaf.html I will say this, the dude throwing the punch looks to have some boxing experience, notice how he throws the punch while stepping back, classic boxing technique. Not to mention the punch is short, compact and quick
  10. Cal has had some successful years in the 2000's. When did OSU schedule that game anyways, like 2004? I know the USC games were scheduled 10 years in advance much like the Va Tech and Oklahoma games 2004:10-2 2005: 8-4 2006: 10-3 2008: 9-4
  11. Congrats man! My son was a blessing in disguise and undoubtedly the greatest thing to happen to me. As others have said time will fly by, so enjoy every moment. I know one cool thing for me as a dad is I get to relive my childhood, plus get to do things I would've otherwise never done (train ride, aquarium trip, ect). I really want to have another one in the next year or so.
  12. It's never been tuned by slowmo lol. The car has always been tuned by my buddy Steve Wilson (freshda9 on here) who now tunes out of Pro Car Associates in Akron.
  13. Took my car and dropped it off at the tuners this past Saturday. Going to hopefully pick it up this weekend. http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p81/alittlelessordinary/Car%20Pics/4dr%20GSR/29543_10151858677181907_1793123636_n_zps05523223.jpg
  14. I too have started to see the sense in this trade. I just wish they wouldn't have wasted their pick last year on Richardson, I wasn't a fan of the pick then and now I am even less of a fan of it. The draft brings excitement to most fans, not Browns fans cause we know they will find a way to fuck it up.
  15. It's the Browns, of course there is issues haha. Their most explosive play maker on offense is the left tackle for gods sake
  16. Haha, chances are they will draft yet another "savior" qb in the top 3 picks, who will end up a bust and the cycle continues. Give me Marquis Lee, Sammy Watkins or Jadaveon Clowney please
  17. Dear god please do not let them draft Johnny Manziel, I am on the verge of totally denouncing my being a fan as it is. I don't think it's the fact that they got rid of Richardson as much as it's the fact they drafted him so high only to turn around and trade him off a year later. To many Browns fans its just another wasted draft pick. He may have only had a 3.6ypc but he was damn near a thousand yard rusher (missed 1 game) and had 11 touchdowns. Seems like when the Browns get a competent running back they let him go (Hillis). BTW LJ are you aware he played most of last year with 2 broken ribs? I think the YPC could be attibuted to the fact he rushed the ball so many times and the Browns lacked any sort of passing game. The franchise has been a disaster since coming back in 99. I mean for gods sake look how many qb's they have gone through (19 starters for those counting) and how many draft picks have been absolute bust. I know it's a running joke that it's painful being a Browns fan, but it really is to the point for a lot of die hard fans where enough is enough. As I said on a few peoples Facebook statuses, next up is Joe Thomas being waived or traded for cash considerations. At this point nothing would really surprises me out of this franchise.
  18. Hopefully we see Braxton throwing more and not running as much. With the talent OSU has in the backfield the only time he should be running is when he absolutely needs to. I think the line is playing pretty well and has potential to be great. I really like what I see out of Joey Bosa. Again that unit is playing with some injuries and not at 100% of where they should be by seasons end.
  19. Sophmore year vs Somphmore year Denard was better in every category lol (he did throw 5 more interceptions than Braxton). My biggest issue with Braxton is his lack of trust he has with the other playmakers on the team. It seems a lot of times he decides to keep the ball cause he thinks he is the only one that can make a play. I don't think Hall would have the stats he has right now if Braxton had been in there the entire time.
  20. That's one play, I am sure Denard made at least one throw like that. Maybe Braxton will come out and light the world on fire passing the ball this year and next, until then I stand behind the comparison. BTW I was at that game and it was nuts, ended up on the field which was pretty damn cool.
  21. Why laugh at the comparison? Both are better with their feet than they are their arms, both seem to get injured every time they are touched and neither will be an NFL quarterback. I really don't see the hilariously bad portion of that comparison? Denard was a pretty good college player and seems to be a decent person, I don't think it was a knock on Braxton, just who he reminds me of. He doesn't do anything with his arm that makes you say "oh damn!" but with his feet he does. He is slower than Denard and bigger as I stated.
  22. Just because you are a Heisman front runner doesn't mean you are going to be a great pro or drafted high. Look at most Heisman winners they are generally bust at the next level and vice versa, a guy that is not heard of much in college ends up being a stud in the NFL. I think if Braxton were to go pro this year as a qb he is a 4th-5th round pick. To me he is a bigger, slower Denard Robinson. Hell most people think Manziel is a 2nd-4th round pick depending on who is discussing it. Mel Kiper was just on ESPN the other day ripping Skip Bayless and Stephen A. Smith a new one cause they were arguing he was 1st round material. I wonder how much Braxton plays this week, he is listed as probable at the moment. Hopefully he can start, get some good reps, put OSU up by 28 or so and allow Guiton to come in and not risk any more injury to Braxton. One thing I have noticed this year is starters are staying in longer than I would like to see them. OSU was up by over 20 vs Cal and yet all the first string offensive guys were in the game. I would've liked to see Cardale Jones in at QB so Guiton wasn't at risk and would like to see some of the other WR's. So far we have only seen 4 of them really (Philly, Smith, Spencer and Fields). Zack any word on if/if not Dunn and Michael Thomas are going to redshirt this year? Both of them looked like contributors last year but have yet to see the field this year. I hear the rumor on Dunn is he refuses to play special teams and that is apparently a big no no to Urban.
  23. I think by years end the defense will be right where they need to be.
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