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Everything posted by DaddyBuiltRacing

  1. I don't think he'll make excuses, in fact I think it'll be the opposite and he'll be hard on todays performance and discuss how much they need to improve.
  2. Looking forward to tonight. If you get there before 9 and the lights are off don't be alarmed. They have been leaving the lights off til about 9:30-9:45 all this week.
  3. He did have a good play in the game by recovering a Braxton fumble. Hopefully they can just get through the growing pains in the first 3-4 games and be solid when Wisky comes into town.
  4. Curtis Grant is another question mark, kid looks lost out there. The DB's coming back will help, but the line and linebackers still need to improve big time.
  5. I'm not worried about the backfield, the line is what has yet to impress me at all. For all the hoopla about how great they were going to be, they haven't gotten much pressure on the qb.
  6. First quarter they looked awesome...after that not so much. I understand they have a lot of players out for this game, but this reminds me of some games Tress coached. Play a team you should blow out by 50 and let them hang around til the 4th quarter
  7. Sprained ankle from what I read. I am also reading that Pittsburgh Brown will take his place, so I don't think we'll see any more/less of Bell than was already anticipated. In Alabama news... https://twitter.com/colecubelic/status/373588034886709248/photo/1
  8. Holy hell is that a real stat? When we played against them they were solid, had a TE named George Cooper who I believe went to Georgia Tech. Newark's highschool team is pretty pathetic as well, I believe they have won 1 or 2 games in the last 3-4 years
  9. ^^ Literally just copied the link for this to come here and share. Pretty good video
  10. I'm very sorry Tilley, I will try harder to include you next time!!!
  11. Zack have you ever tried watching a game with the tv on mute and or the radio playing instead of the color commentators? It's a lot better experience. Hell I think I will do it tomorrow given who the announcers for the OSU game are.
  12. Will do, just look for a really tall goofy guy pulling around a green wagon.
  13. Not this shit again lol. Every time we hold one of these there is some chance of rain, we have yet to be rained out. Even the last one where it rained til 8pm still had over 300 people show up. I just checked weather.com and it shows it moving out by the evening.
  14. It's a lot lower than a stock radio flyer, that's low enough for me. I did tell my buddies last night that I will build a non functional slammed one at some point and sell it to some ricer cause I know they will eat it up. I love the functionality of this one since we take nightly walks with it now. http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy218/guy_from_nerk/1176296_10151679407882851_834426393_n_zpscd5cc631.jpg
  15. Just a couple days away now, nearly 400 people have rsvp'd to the facebook page.
  16. Nah, this is the last thing I plan on doing to it. He wanted lights under it and the cup holder will serve a purpose.
  17. Today I decided it was time to install some lights. I picked up a rechargeable 6v battery and charger as well as some LED neon lights. The LED's were real easy to install since they are thing strips and have 3m tape on the backside of them. In order to keep the wagon clean looking and conceal the battery I cam up with an idea. I made a template of the front part of the tub on the wagon, transfered that to cardboard and eventually to some plywood. I am going to hide the battery inside a box that doubles as a cup holder. My dad gave me a jeep top that he had laying around, I am going to use it to wrap the box in to keep it waterproof. http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy218/guy_from_nerk/1230041_10151823696381907_1517080979_n_zps10d395f1.jpg http://i793.photobucket.com/albums/yy218/guy_from_nerk/21423_10151823404941907_1537591976_n_zps0291b65f.jpg
  18. The only SEC player I can think of in recent times that has been punished for something similar was Aj Green.
  19. "Meyer says offensive lineman Chase Farris has switched back to defensive tackle in Schutt's absence and will play at DT Saturday vs. Buffalo."
  20. Haha wow, I hate the NCAA more and more each day. How long before schools get fed up with the NCAA's shit and form their own thing?
  21. Haha yeah he does look like Kimbo. I think we'll see a lot of guys rotating at different spots on the line. Sort of like when Simon would line up at DT one play and move to end on another.
  22. Time for the big man Chris Carter to take advantage of this opportunity. All he really has to do is plug a hole and eat up double teams, dude is 365lbs, he should be able to atleast do that.
  23. That's not a real good sign heading into a year with such high expectations... I also found this to be a bit strange: "Ohio State coach Urban Meyer announced Tuesday after practice that eight student-athletes will serve as Ohio State game captains for the 2013 season with a decision coming at the end of the year as to who will be recognized as the season's official team captains."
  24. I just don't understand having 8 captains, has to be a record for Ohio State haha. Also you usually don't name someone a captain because they lack leadership, I think him not being named a captain would make him step up to become more of a leader in order to become one next year. Oh well, not that it really matters outside of being able to put it on a resume. BTW how many think Manziel plays in the opener for A&M? They are sort of caught in a limbo, play him and risk having to forfeit the games he competes in if he is found guilty or not play him and have him be found not guilty by the NCAA.
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