We all come across our deal of poblems on this board it seems like. I know some of us dont share them and a lot of us rant on about them. Im sure ill get some shit for what i have to say but you know im just going to put it all out there.
lately ive been dealing with a lot of issues going on in my life, and it seems that whenever a problem arises i really dont have anyone to go to. I know a lot of people on this board, but i dont really know them. I see you in passing and wave or shoot the shit for a few. Not an actual real deep relationship. I do have a best friend but when i talk to him about the problems i have, its either im sorry man or just move on.
I feel as if i dont really have anyone to turn to, to actually talk about my problems. So, if you actually made it this far than thank you. I guess im just saying if anyone wants to chat and help me sort this shit out that would be cool. Id rather not post it all over cr.