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Everything posted by jfiveeight

  1. Locked the block last night, bolt holding the oil filter came loose. No idea on what shape the internals are in but, i'm expecting the worst. Do i rebuild and hopefully get it right (i don't know how well the previous owner had the build, it had wiesco pistons and should have had eagle rods/cleavite bearings.) i would plan on going groden rods, JE pistons, stage 3 buschur block, stage 3 head, AEM ems, shep transmission. The other option would be part it out and i would buy a Smart or something. I've had a lot of problems with other parts, alternator still quits out sometimes among other things. Really depressed and looking for people to respond and i put this in the kitchen cause it's kind of a pointless thread. FOR THE PEOPLE WHO CAN'T READ: 1. destroyed engine. 2. sink another ~10k into the talon or part what's left and buy something else. 3. already in tons of debt, but really want to keep the talon if it somehow starts wanting to work.
  2. Tell that to the USAF CCT/PJ operators and you'd... be very sad you did. Reading this thread makes me want to get in shape and try out.
  3. just got in from driving in and around parking lots with the Jeep for 8 hours. my favorite quote of the night, matt: "Cop" me: "what's he going to do, chase me?"
  4. http://garfieldminusgarfield.tumblr.com/
  5. jfiveeight


    QFT we played you guys and my senior year i remember we gave you a good game, it was crazy raining and it was sweet but the score was like low 20s to mid 30s =( ... YOU GUYS ARE BEASTS. i played for watterson eagles.
  6. Dr.Rick, if you are so uptight on this many books and issues, do you read books yourself? if you would please, name several and why you enjoyed them, to give people here an idea as your "ideal book"
  7. I'm with 86Bronco and as i said in my previous post, most any P35 or X38 based motherboard is the best for overclocking intels right now, i have an eVGA 680i and it does fine with my QX6700. I am sure i could get a few hundred more Mhz out of an X38 based mobo. As for the q6600s, they are going for $200 at Microcenter (i don't know when this sale ends but we still have well over 200 of them in stock) and 8800GT cards at $220-240.
  8. Go Intel with a P35 or X38 board, and get a better graphics card.
  9. jfiveeight

    WTB Wii

    got one here, LMK via PM asap.
  10. back on topic, they suck.
  11. The piano in the live version is awesome. Easily my favorite band ever.
  12. I am most likely going to the St. Loius show if anyone wants to carpool/caravan, the of course the cleveland or chicago show for the second leg.
  13. this works well and i highly reccomend it.
  14. ok, i have used torrents for a while and started using newsgroups to try them out and about 2 weeks after using the newsgroups i got the same letter in the first post from RR, switched to encrypted torrents about 5 or 6 months ago and not a word from them.
  15. Yes, azureus (v2.5 and never update.) and RC4.
  16. i was about to see it, but made a good call by checking a review and they gave it 1 star, saw Rambo instead.
  17. Tucci's in dublin good Bravo is owned by brio which was owned by lindeys so dont go to any of those. agreed Oscars decent , or Smith & Wolensky.too business/no personality place +1 on Top for awesome, no frills, steak. Another decent place is Cap City Diner.
  18. The Refectory is really nice on bethel rd. Mitchell's steakhouse, M!... pretty much any cameron mitchell place, they all have different themes. Hyde Park is good, blazer is not over dressed. Ruth Chris is a competitor to Hyde Park. Never been to melting pot.
  19. i think that's actually vince's car, lengthen the injector pulse a millisecond, just tune the NOS timer, you'll run nines. EDIT (back on topic): I would go just to hang out, and yes-the models.
  20. car, share the rush with 3 other people (or 1 other comfortably).
  21. that kind of sucks, the 40GB cannot play any PS2 games (but can play PS1). The 80GB can play most with emulation. The real deal would be a used 60Gb, which is what i would get.
  22. i recently downgraded from a 40" 1080p LCD to a 20" samsung, but the response times are so much better.
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