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Everything posted by jfiveeight

  1. public transportation... and it works. The problem with that over here is, a large state is as big as a country.
  2. QFT, i hang on the nuts of megaman. but this is exactly what i was talking about in my previous post.
  3. YES. screw anti virus... if you know how to use a computer it's not worth it. just use ad-aware every once in a while. and Sturg: the newer versions of uTorrent are horrible. I would get an earlier version (can't remember one off the top of my head and at work=not going to find out, will edit later tonight). another good tracker site is torrentz.com it searches about 15 or so sites.
  4. +1 for the Fit, i drive my mom's around when my DSM is broken (oh wait.. that's all the time) and it has enough pep to keep on the highway and gets easily over 30MPG a tank. I can fit my Tri-Cross bike in the back and still have a passenger shotgun. Also, at higher highway speeds it feels really stable, which i did not expect, i'll be cruising at 80+ and not notice it.
  5. yes, it worked fine. it's still NTSC, i imported it from canada. wheel is spoken for.
  6. Carvin SX-200, 100W 2x12 two channels, basic effects (chorus/flanger/echo/reverb) Perfect condition, have the vinyl cover and footswitch. $225 http://www.carvinworld.com/products/single.php?ItemNumber=SX200&CID=SX will also include a 50ft cable.
  7. lowered price, added some info for people who didn't know. bump.
  8. cool, i'll look out for you kyle. i'll be in tan/brown coat/pants with a board, hanging out with a snow blader =(
  9. going to midnight madness tonight at around 11 if anyone else is going to be there, let me know.
  10. um... 7600 GT. http://microcenter.com/single_product_results.phtml?product_id=0253745
  11. that was so insane, the best was when the boarder jumps onto the roof and hangs out there few a few seconds.
  12. now IN-N-OUT is really something we need. it's too good.
  13. Most of the guys in the build your own department don't know jack. I work in general sales (the big open space in the middle of the floor), right now I'm identifiable by my hair that needs cut badly and can answer questions if you have any. =( We have a 500W cooler master that i haven't had any problems with in friends computers for a good price... but i would look at antec and consider spending the difference, their rails are much better and consistent. You could also look at a PSU tester if you are really concerned on the money front.
  14. Shell 93, Sunoco isn't as common so i don't even bother cause some shells are few and far between themselves.
  15. i'll go, having the new transmission will dictate how many passes i do.
  16. To turn off the intel speed-step, when your computer starts up hit "delete" to take you to the BIOS setup. Look in the menus (i can't remember which one it is in off the top of my head) and disable it.
  17. sometimes called C1E haltstate also, i would use CPU-Z to check the clocks and voltages on your processor n stuff.
  18. jfiveeight


    i was playing on a 40" HDTV and a 360, but i sold both. I'll play it for PC when i get around to it and update exactly how hard it is (since i've played CS for a good portion of my life, the pc is second nature to me.) And the online bit: Online on the 360 was awesome with a party and just going into HQ and such to rack up points, my friend who continued playing is somewhere around his 6th time through prestige mode.
  19. 40.065354, -83.073594 Krogers parking lot on bethel? or do you want to get some food?
  20. ok so where are all you guys located so we can meet somewhere central.
  21. i don't think we even have a plan yet... or if there is, can i get filled in?
  22. i'll bring the honda fit!
  23. jfiveeight


    Welcome! (i've been here long enough to say that right?) Hijacking this thread... Initiate bench race: zomg mai kar iz guna beat u so bad u has no idea paul, git da 60 trim n pray. I'm bored at work and it had to be said. #50
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