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Everything posted by jfiveeight

  1. Radiohead is my favorite band The White Stripes (and the Raconteurs) Led Zeppelin Beastie Boys Avenged Sevenfold (city of evil and on) Prodigy Rolling Stones Incubus (the first 3-4 cds) Iron Maiden The Beatles Weezer Rage against the machine The Talking Heads
  2. thanks for that, if that's the case i think you could have handled it better rather than how you responded. Yes i know, columbusdsm and i'm on there. the boards aren't nearly as active as CR and yeah, my car is slow, but i still enjoy talking about cars, racing and all that. I went up to akron and met sam n shanton, who i didn't know and they were welcoming, i don't know why you had the attitude. I would hope that shows dedication to this car club or a racing club or whatever you want to call this board. Which i would in turn be lead to believe that i could get away from the "no dsms dood" style post where you, not knowing me, come off like an asshole cause you can, instead of giving me sound advice like your most recent post.
  3. ok, awesome, i love being outcast because of my car.
  4. it looks like i'll have my car to cruise around, so i'm in if you designate a place to meet.
  5. i was there friday for a little bit, and that spoof is awesome.
  6. jfiveeight

    halloween at ou

    i work till 5 on saturday, i don't know if i can get sunday off. When are you leaving?
  7. jfiveeight

    halloween at ou

    yeah i guess i meant court, i don't remember what street it was, the main one in the little city, i don't go to school there and left the next day so... but it was crazy.
  8. we were up there, i tried to get out to follow you guys the last time you went out but i had to maneuver around shanton's gti.
  9. paul and i were up there as well, although i got off work at ten and finally found the place at 1...
  10. the book is good so far, picked it up last night. I cannot recommend this book highly enough. A powerhouse. A tour de truth. I laughed. I cried. I lost 15 pounds! A must buy!
  11. jfiveeight

    halloween at ou

    last year my friend and i took hold of the giant 8ball (it had a bamboo frame) and ran up and down Town St.
  12. ok well i'll see what i can do to get off work early, (i was closing) and neonkiller, i'm retarded.
  13. 13.7, and i suck at driving. want to do a pull tonight?
  14. ok then, i'm not cool enough, dawg, what's your trap?
  15. ...i'd race, but i don't know how slow the slowest there are going to be.
  16. i'd like to go if you need a camera car or something. what time are you guys heading up?
  17. is anyone meeting up to cruise there?
  18. jfiveeight

    Fall Cruise!

    ok... so what time and where, saturday right?
  19. i work till 5 but i'd like to make it out there and get a few pulls in.
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