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Everything posted by rb26deet32

  1. Once again I am getting no response from you. I've sent a few pm's now and I've responded in here. Just tell me whats going on. I've been called by 4 people for one person. And I have 3 different names...If your friend is steve and he already came and looked at the car like I think he did let me know.
  2. I'm pretty sure steve already came up and looked at the car. He was saying he didnt want it. So unless your talking about another steve? Steve is buying it for his uncle or something right? Let me know. Brent
  3. All my offers so far have fallen through once again. So $400 would be fine. Let me know when your friend wants to come take a look at the car. Hopefully in the next few weeks since I'm going to be busy as hell after that for the next year. Let me know. Brent
  4. Bump. I have a $400 and a $450 offer so far. And once again neither is getting back to me...I dont get it. It's like my pm's arent getting out or something...
  5. Still for sale. A few people have shown interest in the car but now they arent replying to my pms and wont return my calls. So I guess it's back up for everyone again.
  6. pm's sent. Car is still for sale.
  7. ok, I've thought about my offer. I'll sweeten up the deal. How about $4,500 right meow and a burrito from Chipotle? Now thats a deal that can work.
  8. I'll give ya $4,500 right meow for it Let me know.
  9. Too bad you didn't look into this thread a few months ago. I got rid of it Now I'm looking to get another one lol. Brent
  10. Car is still for sale. And hey, it's after February so now is a great time to buy it. I'm now selling everything I have with the car for $500. Let me know if you want more pictures because now I can actually take some more. Thanks Brent
  11. Looks like mine. But mine only cost $500 http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d153/rb26deet32/CopyofPicture4-2.jpg?t=1231643604
  12. Looks like mine. But mine only cost $500 http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d153/rb26deet32/DSC00537.jpg?t=1231643526 engine cost a little more...
  13. I just realized I titled this thread "86 crx FW"... I guess it was supposed to be FS...
  14. I had itbs not carbs Back in the 1980's the cars came with carbs if thats what you mean
  15. Yea it sounds good. But 12's sound a lot better than 13 flat And I take turbo over itbs any day. Messing around with them is a pain in the ass.
  16. Does he like crx's or does he like a stripped down 1,200lb crx with no interior and a crazy ass clutch? Because though the car is a crx unless he'd want to put it back to stock it feels nothing like one. But either way the car needs a obd0 to obd1 conversion harness, intake manifold gasket, exhaust manifold gasket, valve cover gasket, fluids, gasoline and a battery. and I'd do a tune up since it's been sitting for years. Thats about all I can think of. Unless your talking about boosting it. In that case, you'll need another t25, 14b, 16g turbo, tapped oil pan, the intercooler piping from the turbo>intercooler>BOV>intake mani. And everything I already mentioned. Let me know if your friend is interested at all. If you want a race car or something to put back to stock this car is a great place to start. And its Yellow
  17. lol it's not going anywhere. Well at least it seems that way
  18. Still for sale. Some one buy my yellow car
  19. If I some how still have it then you can have it But in the mean time anyone else wanna buy it?
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