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Everything posted by rb26deet32

  1. No I do not want one of those. I'm looking for exactly what the guy below linked. Thanks.
  2. I would if it wasn't on back order. Plus shipping cost more than the actual item. If I'm going to spend $200 + I'll just go to sears and buy one for $200. If someone has a harbor freight one and wants to sell it for what they bought it for I'll take it. Thanks.
  3. My head is getting tired of having transmission dropped on it. I'm looking to buy a transmission jack. A big pedestal one. I don't want the adapter bull shit that you put on a normal floor jack. I'm looking to spend less than $180. I'll probably be buying one tomorrow whether it's from some one on here, craigslist or going to sears to buy one. Text me asap at (614)625-7296 if you have one you want to sell. Thanks.
  4. Holy fuck. I just realized that every person to ever kill another human being ever has been on Hydrogen Hydroxide!!!! Holy shit :lolguy:
  5. WTB B series hydro transmission. No grinds, no pop outs... That is all.
  6. I think he forgot a few thousand ems runs :fuuuu:
  7. Free? No. Less than $700 for a plate of steel? Yes.
  8. lol I was just looking at that. I may end up picking it up and using the top. I don't like the legs on that thing.
  9. I'm making a 4x6 table. I typed 4x8 on accident. It seems like most places sell the 4x8's instead of the 4x6's. Also, it's not going to be on casters. I'm going to be using it for almost everything I do welding wise and also use it for a workbench to mount my vices to. I've used 1/4 inch before on a smaller table and I just didn't like the feel of it. Also it didn't take much abuse. The smallest I can go is about 4x4 feet but I'd rather not go that small honestly if I can do so with out spending $600.
  10. I'm putting together a welding table and it's all done except for the top and now I can't find any place around here that doesn't charge an arm and a leg for a plate. I'm wanting a 4x8' 3/8-1/2 inch steel plate. Or two 4x4's would work too. If anyone knows where I could get some let me know. Thanks.
  11. "take it for a drive around the driveway" -Rich ball-less white guy Fucking rich people...
  12. That looks interesting. What channel is it usually on?
  13. I can't wait til they make a sport where there are two sides. They both have armor and swords, bows and arrows and the main goal is to kill the other team. That would be fun to watch :fa:
  14. That's the first time I've ever associated horse power and fast with a monster truck... That's crazy.
  15. I just did some google translations and this is the Russian version of saying "door knob" after some one farts.
  16. You know they are just jealous of his eye bushes.
  17. Why did u lay your bike down again? Real question, not trolling. Usually when you don't want to run into someone you hit the brakes and slow down. Or were you doing something stupid? If so then anyone can troll you all day. If not then that's shitty and sorry that you're getting shit for it. But as of right now I'll just leave this with you...
  18. There is no way the second one was an air strike. It looks more like a car bomb that was planted. It's easier and more Israel like to do car bombs than dropping a big ass bomb. Plus this way no one can complain about collateral damage. Well maybe the guy who operates the street sweepers over there :lolguy:
  19. Did they not post dyno numbers in the video? :lolguy:
  20. I read "full altered" three times and every time read full retard lol :lolguy:
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