Love "rat rods." Old, rusted, put together with chicken wire and bubblegum, and scrapes on the painted lines when you change lanes. Just be careful who you say "rat rod" to. Some don't like the term.
The more ingenuity and downright MacGuyverism you use, the more cred you'll have. Aim for a budget of about $1500-$2000 and DON'T let yourself go over. Wheel, deal, beg, borrow, and steal to make it fit the budget. Even if you have to take every drawer-pull from your kitchen to make your radiator grill. :fuckyeah:
No serious "rat-rodder" will be impressed with a big wallet. But every one of them will go nuts for some barn-find tractor motor from an obscure manufacturer that doesn't exist any more which cost you a case of beer.