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Everything posted by ODoyle

  1. Not in ohio,age of consent is 16;) Happy Birthday Pics of the spanking?
  2. ODoyle

    CR stock

    Being a noob pwns me
  3. No offence,But you type just like paul
  4. I know its only $13, But that $13 also buys a case of beer:D
  5. ODoyle

    CR stock

    Call me a noob but i have never been around a dyno..Is it normal for the Hp and Tq numbers to be the same?
  6. ODoyle

    CR stock

    I dont know if i should shake your hand, or run in fear
  7. This weekend (9th and 10th) are supposed to be rain free,So i thought we could all try and meet up at the hooters on polaris for some beer,wings and hot hooters girls! Im going to get there around 930ish i believe. Everyone is welcome to come Hope to see you out there:D
  8. I think i would rather spend that on a Z06 with H/C/I/N20
  9. I think this chick needs a lil more muscle
  10. Great intro,welcome to CR. Pics of the cars?
  11. The pup i picked up from shawn is already crate trained and is very close to being potty trained. I have never had a better dog
  12. exhaust...Stock LT1 and a nice exhaust:D
  13. And the radio comes with a card with the anti theft code on it from the factory.If you dont have that your SOL unless you pull the radio and take it into honda.From what i have done behind my dash the radio is a PITA to take out
  14. I live in the condos off of park so i will keep my eyes open
  15. The CEL did the same thing in mine too.I went to AAP and cleared the code and let the car sit over night with the negitive terminal disconnected and the next morning no light and i have not had one since about a year ago.But i agree that intake is a PITMFA
  16. I want a long and distinguished red bar
  17. Saftey first,I would wake up my wife and baby and GTFO
  18. Those bruises are going to suck so bad
  19. It didnt pass. You can have all the animal sex and truck nutz you want. But dont pop any wheelies
  20. I answer the door with my 9mm and i dont live far from polaris.It's a comfort thing
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