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Dammit Charlie

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Posts posted by Dammit Charlie

  1. It's a problem everywhere, people don't want to work. Most of my racing friends that run businesses can't find people that want to work, and I'm talking about jobs that pay well.


    Agreed. I can't get over how people under the age of 40 act in job interviews, it's down right frustrating.


    I'll keep my ears open for your friend, I have some Ohio family members that live down that direction.

  2. I do not envy your commute.


    60 hours a month & more in the winter. He'll be ok, Akron to Solon isn't bad as long as he stays away from the 271/480 interchange. There are quite a few members up this way too.

  3. I came here expecting GS300 reliability :(


    Really? I read that cleaning the screen filter and keeping the fluid clean are safe bets for a long life. Many on Auto trader over 300k.


    So this is a No go unless its ditry cheap? :(


    That's more so the owners being persistent about getting it there. You're long term, die hard brand loyalist wear the milage like a badge of honor.

  4. Kerry- let's try a both sides of the isle approach. Both narratives on both sides need to be drop, not just the gun grabber side.


    Could you provide any specific items that the NRA has proposed for legislation in the last 20 years that your concerned with?

  5. I've heard/seen about 8 different video/audio clips.


    Sometimes the gun fire sounds like it has a perfect cadence as if it were full aut. Other times it seems to slow down too much to be an actual machine gun (might be crank/binary/bump). But then there are other times where the cadence is consistent and then slows down a little or sped up a little. I want to point out that it is completely normal for some Machineguns to vary a little. Most M16's with rifle length systems will start off slow and then speed up regarding ROF when you do a mag dump and the ejection pattern will move like a sprinkler. Also, an M60 (and maybe other belt Feds) can also have a varied ROF. Also, the pop from the echoes makes it hard to determine. And one definitely sounded like an AK. I'm very interested to see what guns he actually used as I heard there were 8-10.


    I agree, it definitely had the sound of an AK at one point. The back and forth rate of fire had me thinking it was a bumpfire stock setup or a crank setup.


    Also, based on the firearms and equipment they've shown this guy put a lot of thought and resources in to this attack.

  6. I'll leave just one of many here for all to see.





    Anyone here working in a hospital that has been exposed to a child in such an accident I'm sure can elaborate on how bad they are.


    I personally would never have put my child in without one. It's critical that the lap and shoulder belts provide restraint in the correct place or when involved in a major accident things are not going to end well.


    To the OP'ers point, I absolutely agree and see it as hugely frustrating. Worse is when I see kids jumping around in the back of the vehicle while on the road. Not only is it crazy stupid for them to be doing so and shame on the parents, but the Gaul for others to put the rest of us in such a position is amazing too. Very similar IMO to a motorcycle rider without a helmet. Both put themselves at HUGE risk to injury should our vehicles collide and that's not something I want to live with should the child be killed. Even if I'm not at fault in the accident, to know that the collision and death could have been avoided is sad.


    If people want to risk their child's life, that's not okay with me but it's their child. To put others on the road in a position of such harm being in their potential outcome is just plain selfish and again, not okay.


    As they say however, "you can't fix stupid"




    I couldn't agree with you more. My wife actually works for a non-profit that gives car seats away to low income families and some of the stuff she's shown me is horrendous.


    Saying car seats are not important is like saying a properly fitted racing seat and buckles aren't needed in a race car. Hit the wall once and you'll appreciate having them.

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