I've got a beretta 92 FS Inox with brigadier grips, a M1911 custom, and a few revolvers, and my personal favorite is the beretta; I've shot lots of makes in the handgun world, and I'd say that there truly is something for everyone, and the most important thing is that you're comfortable with the way it feels. Just make a trip over to Vance's and pick up a couple, see what you like, then call the ranges and see who has them to rent/shoot.
And definitely don't pick something because you think it's too popular; I hear people bashing Berettas and Glocks all the time because everyone has them.... really? Why do you think everyone has one? This isn't a car you're talking about, you're talking about a tool who's ultimate purpose is defense, and nothing, absolutely nothing is more important than its dependability. Buy a gun that nobody has and you're venturing into unknown territory with your, and your family's life on the line.