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Everything posted by ProwlerZ

  1. ProwlerZ


    So what's this about a source for AR mags? I've got 3, would like at least 3 more... what do ya have?
  2. Just changed the Timing belt on a 01 accord and was off a tooth... good thing they're not THAT picky... It took over 100 miles before the engine light came on...
  3. Suburbs ftw; Ideally a 15 minute drive outside of city limits would suite me just fine, but my biggest concern is getting back out of snow territory; this driving only 8 months of the year crap has to go...
  4. Not surprised, almost everything I buy from a walmart gets returned... Damn my persistant urge to shop at 2 in the morning...
  5. Hi-points have come along way; a reliable source tells me that they're made from glock internals now; either way, they're lifetime warranty, so I don't see how you can go wrong with one.
  6. lol, so that's the type of thinking being done over there these days, huh? Explains the super snake now...
  7. Looks great! Can't wait to see it on the streets!
  8. Wonder what the LS9 could do without the blower on a motor tune... And what the possibilities of putting twin hairdryers on one would be...
  9. Solid gun, I've got a 500 with an 18" barrell and pistol grips, it's a blast to shoot! I've put a good 1000 rounds through it without a single problem.
  10. I've got a beretta 92 FS Inox with brigadier grips, a M1911 custom, and a few revolvers, and my personal favorite is the beretta; I've shot lots of makes in the handgun world, and I'd say that there truly is something for everyone, and the most important thing is that you're comfortable with the way it feels. Just make a trip over to Vance's and pick up a couple, see what you like, then call the ranges and see who has them to rent/shoot. And definitely don't pick something because you think it's too popular; I hear people bashing Berettas and Glocks all the time because everyone has them.... really? Why do you think everyone has one? This isn't a car you're talking about, you're talking about a tool who's ultimate purpose is defense, and nothing, absolutely nothing is more important than its dependability. Buy a gun that nobody has and you're venturing into unknown territory with your, and your family's life on the line.
  11. Got a ticket for reckless today in the parking lot outside my work, got the car a little sideways as I was parking out in the far end. 2133.02B is the sticker; I'm mainly baffled because I was in a private lot at the place of my employment, and I didn't think that traffic violations could be issued there, how wrong am I? This ticket will/would directly effect my ability to drive for the company, and also have negative influences on my near-future pursuit of entering law enforcement. Any advice?
  12. compare that to $300 for 1000 simple remington FMJ, and it makes sense. I can save a good bit of cash, and use the bullets and powder I want.
  13. Not to be picky, but 5.56 NATO is in fact different from .223; 5.56 is a much higher pressure round, and therefore guns that aren't chambered for it can't handle it, and suffer rifling blow-offs, and other possible damage. Though to your credit, they do use the same size cartridge and bullets. I'll give Vance's a shot, I just assumed them to be costly; I was at the Progun show, didn't see anything worthwhile other than the steel cased Wolf ammo, and as I said, I want to reload, so steel doesn't same me money in the long run... Appreciate the help!
  14. Anybody got a good source on ammunition? Need some rounds in bulk for the AR, chambered for 5.56, but 223 is just fine; just needs to have uncrimped primers and brass cases so I can reload em.
  15. I appreciate the help guys, the tranny crapped out, so it's at Honda East getting a new, warrantied tranny.
  16. Nope, valvetrain upgrades for the cam, Manley hardened pushrods, comp 918s... bone stock bottom end. Don't plan on doing any forging on this motor.
  17. I'm not fairing too bad among the crowd, but I'm certainly not the fastest on here... Should have heads going on in the near future, then we'll see where the 'ol girl is at...
  18. Any suggestions on where to take a 2001 Honda Accord 4 cyl. for work? It's the GF's car, new purchase, and I want to have it checked out; car seems to have a surge between shifts during warm up, but I'm not too sure on what it could be; fluid is up to level and looks fine... Any good shops in the area that I should visit?
  19. Probably not from the shitter; if it's like any of the AAPs I've worked in, you have to walk by all the unattended backstock to get the the shitter... some people are shameless...
  20. Out of curiousity, for the younger guys that got the snip-snip, where did you have it done, and how much was covered by insurance?
  21. Lol... damn, I need to get used to be a little fish in a big f'in pond again... So, nevermind running it, when can I see it though?
  22. How typical for that to come from a Mustang driver... So apparently nobody will answer me huh? Tried searching but couldn't come up with shit. I assume this is one of the 1% of Supras actually done right that's making usable power? My shit isn't that fast, but in comparison to the majority of Supras running around, it's respectable. I just asked the question to help clarify for anyone else that has joined on here recently and doesn't know who's got what...
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