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Everything posted by clk1

  1. This is getting real interesting, it just goes to show you have to be careful on who you try to help out. I hope everything works out for you Hoblick.
  2. i saw that earlier, i hope one of these good deals for a chopper bike is around when i get my income tax return back, cause i am looking for a project.
  3. Told you Jeff, that is was fucking awesome, now when yours does that then i will be impressed.......haha.just joking
  4. Matt, is yours going to sound like that, i want to be there when you dyno it.
  5. all i have to say is badass, and i want one!
  6. But my question is how do you get back out?
  7. i would be in? i have done all the other cr fantasy leagues.
  8. NOtice how it blows the fan away so easy!
  9. clk1

    First Post

    hey girl its about time you get on here.......lol.
  10. man whose nuts are you hanging from............just joking man....... thats going to be sick when it is done.
  11. if you still have it when i get my tax return back i may be interested.
  12. fuck tom brady!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. That is a damn nice looking car
  14. That is fucked up...........
  15. That was awesome and priceless!
  16. i want to get involved with this but i dont know how to download pics on the forum.
  17. clk1

    Lock Lugs

    i work at Volkswagen, and you have to bring the car in to match the key up and then you can buy the key to remove them then.
  18. they just keep mentioning columbus racing alot
  19. yeah i thought that one was good!
  20. there are a bunch of different links in there once you get onto craigslist. just look though the rant and rave section.
  21. I dont know how many of you go on Craigslist, but i was looking threw the rant and rave section and there are a bunch of people on there that are talking about the accident to. Its just sad to see people talk and act this way when a life is taken away from us. But yet there are killers everyday killing people and no one ever talks about that. People want to put the finger at us so bad, but yet, everything else that is wrong in this country gets pushed under the carpet. I am really pissed of at just how low people can be when they write shit that they know nothing about. Sorry i just had to get that off my chest.
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