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Everything posted by clk1

  1. clk1

    03 ww evo 17300 miles

    yeah right...........you know where i work...........haha
  2. clk1


    i heard that they were suppose to open something up at polaris area.
  3. That was fucking priceless!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. i want to know how to get on that show.
  5. That is how i landed to when i was in mexico, and i was fucked up to.
  6. it has 95000 on it, but i will give them a call. thanks
  7. no fumbles in 1000 attempts now Hart has 2 in this game.
  8. well first of all is there anything else i can check in the electronics or anything, then second question how much is a convertor?
  9. clk1

    03 ww evo 17300 miles

    i will make payments.............lol
  10. whatsthe cost to get that fixed? then my next question is what is the next thing to goi if i keep driving it this way?
  11. clk1

    Happy new year!

    yeah my head is hurting too!
  12. there is no light on, and thats what i am thinking that it is not going into overdrive, and if that is the case. what is the fix?
  13. i just bought a winter car, it is a 97 monte carlo z34 and just with in a week the tranny is having issues, it runs at 3000 rpm at 65mph, then when i let out of the gas it drops down to 1500 and when i get back into the gas it jumps right up to 3000. its like it is not shifting into another gear, any help or suggestions would be helpful.
  14. that was some crazy shit, not only once but twice!
  15. i did that once when i was in mexico, and i couldnt walk for like a week, everything was numb from the waist down.
  16. that first video, sounded bad ass!
  17. thats fucking gross, i only watched like 5 seconds of that!!!!!!!!!
  18. that game was the shit back in the day!
  19. Key west is fuckin great, got drunk there at Sloppy Joes, and almost missed my cruise ship.
  20. hey, we finally beat florida.GO BUCKS!
  21. how does it run with that many miles on it, any noises anywhere in drivetrain or motor?
  22. clk1

    03 ww evo 17300 miles

    dan, you need to give me a loan, so i can buy it.
  23. clk1

    03 ww evo 17300 miles

    dude i want your car i wish i had the money to buy it.
  24. ill be there, where do you guys meet at in there, so i know who i will be meeting.
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