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Everything posted by clk1

  1. yeah i paid 60 for northwestern tickets in B deck, but you will not find them that cheap for michigan st., but i am also looking for 2 tickets also.
  2. clk1


    Welcome, what part of Fla. you from, i just moved back up here, i was down in the Daytona area for a little bit.
  3. i like the salt and pepper chips.
  4. clk1

    hey im back

    cool. hey brian(v8beast), where are you hanging out now?
  5. they dont even sound good, let alone taste good. what else are they going to come up with next.
  6. clk1

    hey im back

    Hey, im back was having issues with my account, but Anthony fixed them for me, my old name was 23tbucket. So just wanted to say thank you anthony, now i can have fun on the board again.......lol. And for everyone who knew that i had moved to Florida, im back in Columbus, because the job did not work out, the owner did not live up to everything that he had told me to get me down there. Oh well we live and learn. Glad to be back up here in the car scene though. So where is everyone hanging out now?
  7. I know I will be whitewater rafting Sept 8 and 9.
  8. I'm game for a cruise to. I will be back in town so I'm down for whenever.but I'm chilling at the beach now so when a date is set just let me know.
  9. No I don't think so. You might want to get your story straight
  10. clk1

    Jail Bait?

    I definatly agree with you. I have 2 daughters of my own. I know I will get gray hair real quick once they become teenagers.
  11. I know for a fact it is not for sale. It use to be but right after she posted that she took it off the market. So the car is not for sale.
  12. Hey I'm moving back to columbus and was wondering if anyone knows of someone needing a roomate. I need to find somewhere to live. Thanks any help would be appreciated.
  13. Ok now its your bday. Happy birthday lani.
  14. clk1

    Nasty Snatch

    Damn I'm missing more drama. Lol. Well I may be moving back next weekened
  15. Ok just come to daytona to party. Lol
  16. I want to party but I'm so far away. I never get to have any fun. Lol. Happy birthday girl.
  17. That is fucking hiliarous casey.
  18. clk1


    that will work to if they are on here.
  19. clk1


    everyone should make a list on here of their kills............ just nice and simple all you have to do is put the people name and thats it no details no nothing just names and this way we can see who has won alot and who has not. i dont know this is just an idea. and then people can then challenge people that they lost to.
  20. yeah i have been out and have seen that thing run it is sick........... and sounds badass to for a 4 cylinder.
  21. clk1

    Fanasty Football?

    ok i just joined.
  22. clk1

    New firsts

    that is a real nice show i have been to it in the past, and it always gets a great trun out. more of the little towns need to have shows like that.
  23. how about having brian or anthony going up to the GM and explaining the situation, basically saying that we dont want him here and he is causing trouble and then the GM could notify the police that are there.
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