True story - I used to live outside of laurelville and had to go through this small town called Adelphi. Well everynight when i came through at about midnight there was this sheriff sitting their talking by the bar. Each night he followed me home. (which was like 5 or 6 miles from this town) Each night I would go down over this hill and pull into my driveway. Sometimes he would stop and shine his light down on me or my car. I guess sometimes I provoked it because if he would happen not to follow me i would go up the road like a quarter of a mile or less and just lay into it all the way home. (I am sure he had to hear this) I kept telling my Aunt who worked the same job with me about this and finally she followed me home, except that she went around the block and sat ahead of me so she could watch. Of course he followed me and did his routine except this time, my aunt pulled over and bitched at him of course he gave her the line that i looked suspicious. We decided the next day to call the sheriff's department and complain. It worked after that he never sat their again.
Basically what I am saying is call his superiors. Is he harassing you like i was harassed or just showing up where you are?