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Posts posted by Nickey4271647545519

  1. I'd honestly like to see it go to the boyscouts. Nothing against girlscouts, but boy scouts was a big part of my life.


    I'm glad to see someone else like me :) I love every minute i was in the scouts, When i die i think all the money i have left over will be getting donated to Simon Kenton Council. Lol me being in scouts actually led to my dad being the Scout Master of the troop i was in a few years after i was out for bit.

  2. Sweet, thanks for the link, what do you recommend to do for an amp? I'm car audio illiterate...


    what do you have right now? cause 150-200watts rms is all that sub would need, they're rated at 150, but i see lots of people pushing anywhere from 180-240watts through them

  3. Be bangin dem 8s yo


    fo sho :)


    I love the way this set up sounds, Hits nice and softly with the volume turned down, and pounds like no buddies business when turned up. I'm very impressed with how this turned out and the sound quality that it's capable of.


    Josh, did an amazing job with helping me pick out subs, answering all my questions and building the box.

    Thanks again Josh!

  4. Alcohol likes to eat or disform (swell) certain rubber and seals, Viton and Teflon should be considered for prolonged use.


    This is true. But from what i've been told, most anything made after 94 or so, should be good for handling E85.

  5. i ordered some dmm tuning hids but they use fedex, fedex sucks let me tell you. i had someone at the house to sign for it and they wouldnt release the package cause it wasnt me. they come anytime between 9am-7pm. most people are at work or school. the nearest fedex is 1.5hrs away in ft. wayne. just a heads up. I ended up having to have them send it back to cali with a 20% restocking fee and $6 return fee. Sucks cause i was looking forward to using them.


    lol it's probably cause it's lima, and lima is super shady. and I live on 4th st up there so i get to see the bad part of town everyday.

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