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Posts posted by Nickey4271647545519

  1. just going on record to say ide take an svt contour over that old shitty s10....moving on


    lol coming from the guy who drives a powerjoke. seriously suck my dick. I'm sorry that my s10 is cleaner and has less miles than anything you've owned. so please... go EAD.

  2. I could care less if you make fun of my car all i asked was about licence plates and you saying how slow and shitty my car is and i was actually talking to you at canes about cars and shit Dam


    I never stated your car was slow, but if you'd like me too, i will.



    btw fsvt wheels would look super nice on a svt contour. so i agree with that decision

  3. Sadly I actually did see that silver G35 cliff was talking about, it was at qs&l last night....


    turth, i saw it too.



    back on topic. i saw a v8 swapped mini van with vtak and Naws today.

  4. I'd be down to meet. But I'm parking somewhere else so nobody has to see my ugly jetta.


    Its okay, you can park next to my ugly b2200, so your jetta can look good.


    But i'll be out tonight.

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