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Posts posted by Nickey4271647545519

  1. I've had sprint for 4 years now and never had any issues. Dads been using sprint for about 10 years now and never had any big issues, he also travels all over the state for business.
  2. http://www.swotti.com/tmp/swotti/cacheDGHLIGLYB24GZ2LHBNQ=RW50ZXJ0YWLUBWVUDC1NB3ZPZXM=/imgThe%20Iron%20giant1.jpg


    Go rent it dude, it's honestly a really good movie even though it's a cartoon.


    thats what i thought it was, but i wanted to confirm my thinkings, and yes it is an amazing movie! I'm tempted to go out and buy it soon

  3. bump, i now have a 600watt amp that i'll throw in with everything else.


    Amp needs a little work, but i should have it fixed soon.




    If you want the subs and the box, no amp or cap, i'll sell them outright for $160.


    I really need these gone, i just ordered my new subs today and i'll need the money to have a box built

  4. why in the world would you want a balance shaft motor?


    lol i'll say it again, call jerry, he normally has quite a few laying around knows 4.3s very well and should give you a very very fair price on it.

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