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Posts posted by Tindall2006

  1. Pray for me guys.


    The band I work with has 2 sold out shows in Dallas tomorrow and the next day. Then Austin, then Houston, then a private show at Texas A&M. Im wearing a surgical mask no matter what people think.


    Surgical mask is only effective for about 3 min... better have a box.

  2. Now that you say that... Neutral is good too...


    My first dealership we would have it in forward, I think the second one we all had starter switches to jump the solenoid. Put the lower unit up in the motor, then bump the starter switch and it will slide right in. It was much easier I think that way.


    in 3-5 feet of water I would buy a few extra bolts, an go at it. Worse case you drop it in the water and just have to walk around until you stub your two and pick it up.....


    I also think that Yamaha uses a plastic case around the water pump and you but a new aluminum insert in it. Make sure the plastic case isnt melted/warped.


    Are you running this boat on the flats?


    FWI, for a DIY's forward is easier unless if you have a extra hand to bump the starter switch. Just make sure you pull the plug wires so the boat dosen't start...

  3. Now that you say that... Neutral is good too...


    My first dealership we would have it in forward, I think the second one we all had starter switches to jump the solenoid. Put the lower unit up in the motor, then bump the starter switch and it will slide right in. It was much easier I think that way.


    in 3-5 feet of water I would buy a few extra bolts, an go at it. Worse case you drop it in the water and just have to walk around until you stub your two and pick it up.....


    I also think that Yamaha uses a plastic case around the water pump and you but a new aluminum insert in it. Make sure the plastic case isnt melted/warped.


    Are you running this boat on the flats?

  4. O... biggest thing..


    but the boat in Forward gear before taking lower unit off. Not only will you be able to turn the prop when you go to stab the lower unit back into the power head to align the spines, but you will also not have to worry about figuring out where the shifter splines should be. Don't even touch those! Also make sure the coupling for the shifter doesn't fall in the water!


    How deep is the water by your lift?

  5. I worked as a boat mechanic for 4 years.


    I have done countless number of lower unit jobs like yours over the water. Just don't drop any bolts.... Normally it is best to hold the lu up with one hand while you take the last bolt off, put that bolt in your pocket then use both hands to remove the l/u.


    If you can turn the boat around on the lift so you can stand o the sea wall while you do all this it will make life easier.


    Also. I think Yamaha is the brand that has a little black tube for the water pickup for the speedo? Have a pair of small needle nose plyers ready to pull it out of the lower unit and put it back in. Also, if the boat sees salt water don't forget to brush some bearing grease on all the studs/bolts.


    If I was local I would do it for 100 bucks... and only see you for 23 minuets! haha

  6. I fly black hawks for the army, I have gotten to do some really cool stuff!


    Personally, what do you want to be able to do with a helicopter PPL? Toy around? take girls for flights to get laid? fly to new places? To rent a R22 is something around 200-300 for each hour I have not looked in a while? You can rent a fully loaded 182 for 130 ish wet... Fly twice as long, plus your air speed is going to be about 40 kts faster so you will be able to get where you are going quicker! Besides hovering, you can basically do all the same things in a little Cessna that you can in a helicopter...


    Also, flying helicopters is going to take a LOT more skill and a LOT more training to accomplish. I would personally look at getting your fixed wing ppl first, for a 1/3 of the cost then look at pursing helicopters.


    Though I am interested to see what questions you have!

  7. Yes....


    As reliable as any 20 year old turbo car that has been beaten to death it's whole life.


    Buy DSM and rebuild everything and it will be awesome, just like most cars.


    My turbo AWD talon never left me stranded....


    They are unreliable from 17 year old kids trying to crank the boost.

  8. Yup, GE pretty much has the navy locked down with the F414. we also lead in helicopters, and marine (ships)


    The F110 is our biggest most used military engine. What I was more referring to is that the last 2 major jet contracts went to Pratt; the F-20 Raptor and the F-35 Lightning. GE had the alternate engine for the f35, but Pratt successfully lobbied congress to have us pulled to "save money" during the budget crisis and economy problems in 2009, even though in reality the facts showed that over the long run it was cheaper to keep our engine as competition to lower prices... Like I said, Pratt/UTC has a lot of influence in the pentagon and did better lobbying.


    1. What is/was your major?


    2. Is your job as cool as it sounds?


    3. Would you rather design them, or fly them?


    4, if you would rather fly them can we trade jobs?

  9. 2 stroke...


    Anyways, change lower unit oil, put a little fogging oil in each cylinder (optional) Maybe drain fuel from carbs.


    If you are stabile fuel from it the last few weeks of boating you really don't need to do anything.


    At home I always fogged our boats, at the dealership I worked at we would never do fogging. Change LU and go.

  10. But if you fall in love with the FR-S, buy one for $26k and put $5k into a janky, used 4x4 Wrangler with a stick that you can actually use without worrying about scratching the paint or getting mud in the interior. The wifey won't touch it, but you and the dogs will love it.



    This post is fulll of win! It is what I did, I love having the vette to cruise in, and the truck to have fun in. I will let you all guess what the chicks dig too!





  11. My current laptop is a HP G60-447CL. I have had it for about four years and it has been perfect for internet, netflix, work school. Well it is getting old and the CD rom won't work, and the screen is starting to flicker. I am beginning to see death in the near future. I am sure they are both easy fixes... though I think it is time for something new.


    So far this seems to be the winner.



    Basically things I am looking for.


    Touch screen (I just have a hard on for it)

    Some type of DVD player RW whatever

    good ram,

    good processor

    Something semi tuff...

    I don't think I want anything over 17" While I almost never take my laptop out and about, I like it to fit in a backpack easily.


    enough USB ports,

    I like having the number pad on the side too.


    Under 600 bucks. I don't see any reason why I would spend more then that. I used to be really into building computers in the 486-P3 Era, no I don't have a clue what anything is. My last system I built was a AMD 1.8 GHZ system, not sure why nothing has seemed to advance beyond that. I am sure some of you know more than me so I wouldn't mind input.


    What is the new thing with instant on and solid state memory?

    Also dual band WIFI sounds cool, any other cool features I should look for?

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