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Posts posted by Tindall2006

  1. Officers be banking.. The military pay is very nice with all the benefits.. Being a helio pilot is the sickest job in the Military!! I'm surprised he's not looking for a c6z..


    The catch 22 is I am a reservest... I have been basically on orders the past three years though. I will probably be gainfully employed for the next few months till deployment so they money with TDY will keep coming.


    After deployment I need to finish out my degree, going for nurse practitioner or PA... So I am saving back for that. Though with other military benefits I should be alright. So the question is... do I keep socking money into my savings account, so buy myself a little toy to have during college... Both sides of me are SCREAMING to do the other!


    Maybe a cheaper, equally as fun toy as a Z?

  2. I wouldn't buy either....


    ...and depending on your rank if you are military, you won't be able to afford to do what you really want IMO and just end up selling it. So the cheaper the entry price, probably the better...


    Dude... I'm a cw2 with 8 years and flight pay...


    I live on a little less then about half of my income, and have been putting the other larger half in the bank...


    My other ride is a HH60M... about the most advanced helicopter the military has to offer.

  3. Oh, I should add the caveat that if you are looking to keep 'stock' or not make 'fast'/heavily modify, and dont mind the maintenance cost... the Porsche is a nice car to drive around, and will 'score' more points with non-car people... if that is important to you.


    (i.e. girls/non-car guys will be more impressed to hear "oh you have a porsche?!" than a corvette... and if it is a 996 and looks more modern that goes a ways as well.) However if you dont care about a stranger's perception... I see no reason to buy an under $20k Porsche....


    I don't really need the cool point, you have a badass car. I really like compliments from car guys then girls... I actually dumped a girl because she said she didn't like my rusted out 4wd truck. I told her she was a materialist bitch and to get out haha!


    I just remember I had a ton of fun smoking all the lightly modded mustang guys, F body guys, and a ton of ricers in a 800 dollar car!

  4. I think it is mostly is my talon is my first "fast" car I owned. I bought it in peices and would go out to dig the snow out of it to work on it. I eventually modded it to have a built engine and all that stuff and was about ready to start making some serious power, but a Drunk driver hit me and took it away. I think I am more pissed because I never got to finish what I started.


    I also liked how I would show up and I was normally the only 1Ga guy there, and if I wasn't mine was always the cleanest! haha.


    I never had many reliability issues, I drove that car cross country on more then on occasion. I also wouldn't consider the tranny breaking for a 5k launch being a reliability issue as it would be just a risk you have to take.



    I really haven't looked at any porches, or anything really other then a C5, or F body. I came accross a talon like mine and though hhhmm....


    P.S. I'm a blackhawk pilot for the army so that is a bunch of life points... on top of that I am in a medevac unit... I don't need a stinking car to compensate for life points! :slap:

  5. So I got the ambition to think about pursing my Real Estate License and becoming a Real Estate Agent. Though before I do that I want to do my homework. I know the housing market is shit so is this a really bad time to do this? Any agents on here that would like share with what the job is like.
  6. I got some down and dirty numbers...


    For the low compression cylinder


    Bottom of clyinder is East west 101.44MM and top is 101.89 and north south is 101.44 and 101.98.


    The other cylinders showed similar traits too though the low compression one had the most taper.


    Specs from the FMS are




    Taper max is .245 So seing some numbers am I completly dumb thinking about re ringing this truck? Will I see some good for a while? Go ahead and do it? Looking for the deep advice from the experts here the options being Re ring it, or run it till it blows.

  7. Well I finally took off the intake manifold to do the plenum gasket. Tons of oil in there. I also pulled the head off to look at the cylinder walls. They are all shiney with no signs of crosshash :(. The low compression cylnder also has more noticeable ridge at the top of the cylinder then the otheres. I guess what I need to do now is get out my calipers and take some measurements and see how far out of rOund the cylinder is and if it's out of spec. I was plannIng on dropping the oil pan anyways and thus would be a ideal time to re ring that cylinder. I would like some input good or bad. Rering or leave it alone?
  8. Ok, Just curious, what would ya'll guess for a rebuild? I know you never know unless if you pull it apart but a guess?


    Autozone has a long block for 1700 with a 3 year warranty... Doesn't sound like that bad of a choice to me when you look at turn around time. Plus it is easy to find a store.

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