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Everything posted by Benner

  1. A real mans shit. 1. grab paper towel on the way in. 2. stand by the urinal and drop trough 3. try to build up enough pressure to get some distance and land ur turd in the urinal. 4. wipe ur ass with that dry paper towel cause ur man enough to take the feeling. 5. toss it on the floor. 6. walk out the door with out washing ur hands cause germs fear you. Or just use this. http://www.metacafe.com/watch/949054/the_poop_tube/
  2. He did, look at the top half.
  3. http://i268.photobucket.com/albums/jj32/Formula98/Fixedit.jpg
  4. Since I've seen the last one can I kick you in the balls?
  5. Almost possitive that'd be a v8. If not that's gotta be some kinda record for bolt-on gains.
  6. Because I laughed at her expense?
  7. I always figured it was hype. I went to Wyotech in Blairsville PA but I lived in Indiana PA where IUP is and there were always people getting busted for underage and DUI's
  8. terrorist assassins. They're taking out all the celebs. Odd choices though.
  9. That's what I was gonna say. If your processor is working to hard it'll skip like that. Make sure you don't have any programs running that aren't normally running.
  10. From what I was always told out there. They not only scanned ur license but they scanned the alcohal too so if the cops broke up a party with minors they could trace the drinks back to the person that bought them for u. So we always ripped the barcodes off. Don't know if there's any truth in this though.
  11. Yep gayest laws ever. Went to college out in Blairsville PA and had to deal with those laws every weekend.
  12. Cool just let me know if u do end up wanting it
  13. Yeah no way they'd fit him then. Thanks anyway and good luck getting rid of it all
  14. What size skates do u have. Got a buddy that's been wanting some
  15. Ouch good luck with those old bushings. Try some penetrant and let it sit for a while. I've had to torch a couple of those old bushings to get the bolts out.
  16. Pretty retarded but I still laughed. http://www.ebaumsworld.com/video/watch/80675619/
  17. We've got an old MTD Yard Machine with either a 36 inch or 42 inch deck. Haven't tried to start it in a while cause we don't have a battery in it. $150 as it sets if your interested.
  18. WTF I thought we were talking about The "Doc".
  19. Glad to hear everything worked out okay. I was racking my brain trying to remember if it had been a year since I installed it or not. Good thing it wasn't. And Rob, thanks for helpin Anthony out. Saved me from several curse words being spewed at me.
  20. No seats were great. bout 2/3 up and in the middle. Had the whole row to ourselves. I guess the problem is I went in expecting this one to be like the last one. Alot of the humor in this one annoyed me.
  21. ouch what rubbed on it?
  22. you can read it. There's only a couple little one liners that have been told but nothing serious.
  23. Sorry guys but Michael Bay should be slapped in the face for this movie. What the hell was he thinking. The story line sucked, the camera angles on the action scenes were pissing me off, I couldn't tell who was who and what the hell was happening cause it was zoomed in so damn close. That and the stupid little one liners the autobots did were retarded. I really expected a good movie after the first one but they really dropped the ball for me.
  24. nope you cant. its got additives that prevent you from being able to do it.
  25. WTF? he's lucky he didn't lose his boys.
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