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Everything posted by Benner

  1. Read this if you're wanting to mod at all. It'll save a lot of headaches. http://www.grandprixforums.net/safely-modding-your-3800-powered-car-17482.html
  2. Weighed 262.4 lbs as of Tuesday. Feelsgood.jpg
  3. Benner

    Wow Mind=Blown

    Well then I'm wrong. Well played
  4. Benner

    Wow Mind=Blown

    If you go to any article on wikipedia, and click the first link in each article, (not including italicized and brackets), it will eventually take you back to the word philosophy.
  5. Benner

    Alex L.

  6. I got that SLP resonator if you just want the appearance of having a cat.
  7. Benner

    Tonight 5/29

    Going to a bonfire
  8. If you do this Doc, I've got some tools that I'd be willing to let stay there for people to use. Nothing incredibly fancy but some basic stuff like timing lights, compression testers, and some hand tools.
  9. I'd be down for this. Lift access alone would be worth the cost.
  10. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=how+to+take+a+screenshot+on+a+mac
  11. IMO they are some of the best with kids. Very loving and intelligent. I'd take him in a heart beat if we were allow to have a dog here.
  12. http://26.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lereuh0YQB1qb0uwwo1_500.jpg
  13. http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q274/hacknik/Wrcrq.png http://26.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lg2352ZHlJ1qzmowao1_500.jpg http://i55.tinypic.com/vhul1w.jpg
  14. http://26.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_le6fzvGYxj1qftne5o1_500.jpg http://www.explosm.net/db/files/Comics/Kris/guess.png http://i.imgur.com/ZT5aW.png
  15. Possibly the oddest thing I've ever seen.
  16. Engines and Transmissions can be found all over the place for cheap. Wish i had the extra money. Good luck with the sale. And damn good price.
  17. lol so true. Some of the rail road crossings in Southern Ohio could double as the ramps and the rough road sections.
  18. I'm trying to decide if it's a real pigeon or not. It never moves but the tail feathers ruffle a bit. But that may just be a breeze.
  19. http://www.wimp.com/volkswagencars/
  20. I would've shit my pant http://www.wimp.com/bravepigeon/
  21. Benner


    You take getting hounded pretty good at least. + rep to pissed off the hates.
  22. Why does being a cop matter?
  23. If you want help, try reading the stickies on proper intro threads
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