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Everything posted by YellowBalt

  1. hey, stop trying to be funny.
  2. who cares. your repost is a repost, and me telling you your repost is a repost....is a repost.
  3. reminds me of andrew bird's looping
  4. YellowBalt


    Hard ticket to hawaii, movie is awesome
  5. my sister was pretty much assaulted getting off work in the kroger parking lot right there, some lady tried to rip her purse out of her arms. I have also heard of all the breakins near longhorn and Ocharleys, ridiculous.
  6. come over here sexy:gay: I didn't read a single article, I watched a video making fun of him.
  7. http://new.music.yahoo.com/blogs/stopthepresses/185499/justin-bieber-ridiculed-for-german-mistake/
  8. look at the second to last incident where the camera takes a pic in that video posted. it also takes another of a different car. but did they do anything wrong?
  9. wow, good work. looks like a pain in the ass
  10. maybe if his kids would pay for their own condos he wouldnt have to sell it lol, sounds like he pays for everything
  11. only thing the US did better is The Office, I think its ganna suck
  12. lol they are tires and it looks like you have em on the fronts
  13. How do you take pics like this? or do you just edit them like crazy?
  14. those parada spec 2's? Thats what im running, how did ya like em?
  15. her hand looked retarded at the end, and too bad she is a vegetarian.
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