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Everything posted by YellowBalt

  1. http://www.i-mockery.com/chojin/1248549598152.gif http://www.geekologie.com/2009/04/21/thor.gif http://i186.photobucket.com/albums/x246/zotlord/1241264527220.gif http://i283.photobucket.com/albums/kk292/zax1133/funny%20gifs/d9920025.gif
  2. at 16 sec in the first vid....dayum.
  3. http://www.phphq.net/junk/img/stapletiedesk.gif http://www.phphq.net/junk/img/fallstairs.gif http://www.twobeds.com/upload/userfiles/PsychoSi/catsplash.gif http://i157.photobucket.com/albums/t49/Archibald0/Fapping.gif http://chaoticsignal.com/image/animated/1cf48deb102a5f4cf1e1c6165721259e.gif http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v112/finglonga/bumpjf8.gif http://www.phphq.net/junk/img/baseball-fight.jpg
  4. yea, ive seen some pics, we have environmental laws in place now.
  5. Hmmm, I would like to know how it is necessarily our fault, if it is.
  6. man....some of those comments make me sick, Bashing Americans cause this is our fault....gg
  7. most people like you enjoy arcade games, not everyone is into sims;) naw gtr evo is where its at.
  8. starting watching, really interesting. Hard to know what to believe. only watched through the third one so far.
  9. ^^went with a buddy whos dad works for honda, and they let us in without his dad there. they should work.
  10. ok, but thats true for every car.
  11. ill dig up what i have at my rents and see what i wanna get rid of. also you might want to try videogame and music exchange. they have two locations. one on smokey row in worthintong and also on schrock rd around karl rd. they got like a huge bin all the time of them and atari games and crap.
  12. i has hacks....... srsly i do. lemmie know and i have downloaded games. all u need is a large memory card to put them on. i accidently signed in on my brothers account. if you want to hack it just pm me my name on here is xTHExBOSSx46
  13. Nah, some people are just stupid. That is why I do not hang around on this forum much.
  14. are you retarded? Read a couple posts up...... wait you acually are retarded so here "lol not every picture was a different girl. and not every picture was taken with a camera phone that makes the picture size 25kb. most were taken with my digi camera on pretty high res. im not saying i had thousands and thousands of pictures guys. lets be realistic. 6 ex girl friends that i fooled around with and or talked them into leting me take pictures of them naked and or in next to nothing. really this is not a hard thing to do. ANYWAYS. im still wandering where dude got that picture of her lol"
  15. it is true. Im his brother. I remember him telling me at work lol.
  16. http://afrojacks.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=4854&Itemid=33 lol
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