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Everything posted by Wonderboy

  1. Slow and ghey. But, seriously how the hell does a car go that straight without the front tires ever touching? Thats crazy.
  2. Yeah yeah, suuuuure. Its cool bud, it put me on the "man list".
  3. Im sorry but I must agree, soccer is much cooler.
  4. Wonderboy


    Sweet. Ill challenge you but, you gotta chug a bottle of crown and a 6 pack first. Im hoping if you get trashed enough, I might have a chance.
  5. If you regularly enjoy long walks on the beach. Like Pina Coladas Like getting caught in the rain. Recieve Text messages from Phil asking if you want to be his lover?!?!?!
  6. Wonderboy


    Saturday night would be preffered. And the palace sounds good to me. They have a decent bar there.
  7. Knitting socks. Giving your bro's a back rub. Paying for dinner with money that you stole from a strippers ass crack.
  8. Eating red meat. Buttsecks. Having a name starting with the letter "S".
  9. Yeah, I know. I think its kinda lame that they want to charge for it. You would think that they would want to move the property and offer a free listing somewhere.
  10. Anybody know any good site to view bank owned homes for free? Everything I find makes you pay to view the listings and I of course do not want to pay. Thanks.
  11. Wonderboy


    Oh, well I didnt expect that at all. lol. Well I guess we can let this thread go for a little longer and see who all wants to go and then we can pick a date/ location accordingly. And just to be perfectly clear, I am in no way a great bowler and this is by no means a challenge. I just like to get drunk and smash shit.
  12. Wonderboy


    So Im just kinda curious if anybody on here is into bowling and would ever be interested in maybe getting a couple people together sometime. Its nothing that I have any set time for or anything, just curious to see if any of you would be down.
  13. Old ass video but I keep giggling like a little girl everytime I replay it. Enjoy.
  14. Do you think the MilSpec one would be a better option or should I stay away from the springfield 1911's?
  15. I was looking at a Springfield Armory 1911 A1 GI. I was just wondering if these are a good solid firearm. I dont know much about them so any feedback would be appreciated. Also, is $479 a good price for one?
  16. Went to this today. Nothing to special but, I did see a saiga 12. I was really considering getting it but I decided to wait. Ive been kicking myself in the ass for the past few hours for not getting it.
  17. Hahaha. He said the wife would love it. Thats naughty.
  18. I clearly outlined what will be involved in this event. I do not take or orders or modify what I have already stated. So you grab the crisco and we can get this over with quickly.
  19. Holy shit. I dont know how I havent thought of this yet. Ive got a bunch of crown bags sitting around with nothing to do.
  20. Hey man, do you like to play Wii? Do you like to get drunk? If so we should hang out sometime. Ill supply the alcohol if you bring the crisco.
  21. Oh, On the subject of police, Im actually the opposite. For some reason whenever I see one, I always feel the need to do something stupid, regardless of how minor it is. Typically while driving, I always pipe check them just to see if they even give a shit. If Im in public, I try to use ridiculously foul language just to see what will happen. And other times I just stare with a kinda fucked up look on my face because I just cant help it. Im not sure if its even a really big deal or not but, I always have a severe compulsion to do something, even if its just flicking a cigarette (sometimes drink container) on the ground somewhere where they can obviously see me do it.
  22. I completely agree with the eating foods completely in order of least favorite to favorite, no exceptions. Ill actually try one bite of everything before I start eating just so I know which order to go in. I also agree with the stereo volume, except for me its always got to be even. No exceptions. And I am secretly the absolutely coolest guy alive. There are plenty more but, much too in depth to be discussing with you fuckers. Oh and, my girlfriends boobs are really warm and they feel really nice. Im also kinda obsessed with them. In a creepy kind of way.
  23. Wonderboy


    Haha, thats super fucked up. He dropped sooooo fast. Here was a good related video. http://www.Break.com/keystone-light/pool-nut-shot-prank-victim.html
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