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Posts posted by Wonderboy

  1. Dont worry paul, Ill hang out with you at a dim, boring, hole in the wall bar in reynoldsburg. Thats more my style too. Except for the reynoldsburg part. I might even wear my nice slacks for this. Maybe we can go back to my place afterwards and play some gamecube?
  2. If you werent 12 years old Id say lets go celebrate the new job tonight but, youre a baby so Ill go get rage faced without ya. See you monday sugar nuts.
  3. My sister in law met her current boyfriend of a few years through e-harmony and they seem to still be pretty damn happy together. They said there were a few rough dates before they met each other but, still definitely recommend it. If youre just looking for a fun time, I think there are some similar sites that are geared more towards the quick flings and one night stand deals. I personally would just hit up your local bar scene, Im more of a face to face kinda guy though.
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