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Posts posted by Wonderboy

  1. Unemployment and failure? I'm not sure where you get your info, but again I'm confronted with inaccuracies.


    Employment? Check.

    Failure? Scoring well on the LSAT and going to law school typically doesn't show failure. :dumb:





    shiny decals. lol

  2. my bad, wasn't sure if both posts were towards me or not, either way, don't you have some rx7's to sell?


    They are on their way out actually. Its about damn time, Ill have a garage again.

  3. PNC has always been good to me. I was originally with them when they were national city. They have good financing rates and are easy to work with. Their hours arent as long as they used to be but, they arent bad. Plus, they are everywhere.
  4. wonderboy, i wasnt talkin to hal, sorry but you fail


    I did not mention hal in the post where I quoted you. I know you werent talking to him. Your reading comprehension is on par with groveport freshman.

  5. you grew up and realized you didnt care, hard to make someones blood boil whom doesnt give a shit what some 17 yr old has to say, same goes true with most of cr these days


    Shut the fuck up.

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