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Posts posted by Wonderboy

  1. Did I mention in this thread that your car is slow and gay?

    Actually no you havent yet, but thanks for bringing it up. I had almost forgot. Its all good though... one mans trash is another mans treasure, or something like that.


    Also, just to throw it out there because I like these people alot. If anybody needs any 7.62x39 ammo, I know a place with 1000 round cases for $190 and they also have full lifetime warrantied romanian ak's for around $300.

  2. I just realized something worse than that girls form.


    The safety is on.

    Well yeah it was just for a picture. Jeeze you guys are critical of everything. I was expecting something more like... hey, nice job getting your lady familiar with guns or something like. Not, blah blah form blah blah safety.

  3. FYI. She is actually sitting next to me and she said to "suck her dick off". lol. She actually shoots pretty well. That pic was from our first time out and she isnt very comfortable with rifles. And either way that pic is hot, gotta love chicks with guns.


    So Im kinda trying to decide the next gun, keeping in mind that I want a well balanced collection. Im either wanting a semi-auto 12 gauge (possibly winchester if i can find one), an AR-15 (gotta save for a while), or a S&W .357? I just cant decide and if any of you know of any good deals on any of those please let me know.

  4. So this is my lady shooting the AK. I dont have any pics of the glock but then again its not like they are very exciting to look at.


  5. More people don't have full auto because it costs too fucking much. I could buy a brand new car for the price of a REAL Thompson.


    The license for dealing in weapons is called an FFL, and there are different levels for normal weapons, for class 3 weapons such as full auto, and a different one for manufacturing. For an individual to purchase a class 3 weapon, its exactly as Kenny said. Get signed off by your chief LEO (such as a Sheriff), pass a background check and pay your $200.

    So then could I convert my ak to full auto and then just pay $200 and be ok?

  6. Oh, well I guess I stand corrected. But Im still pretty sure that owning a fully auto weapon is still not as easy as $200 and a background check. Im almost positive that there is more to it than that or else alot more people would have them. And either way, that gun is fuckin sick.
  7. You have to have it to buy, sell, trade fully automatic and suppressors. Or something like that. I dont remember what he said exactly it was something with a 3 and his family deals firearms so i dunno. I know there is a $200 tax on fully auto seers but i thought you had to have certain license for fully auto?
  8. Huh?? I must have missed something. You drive a Sentra. good luck drifting. lol

    Duh, sentra = drift king.


    Also, where the hell was everyone tonight. Me and doc and the woman hung out at polaris for a couple hours and ya'll people were no where to be found. Oh, and thanks for hanging out with us doc we had a good time.

  9. Im actually a big fan of the sks. Its very affordable and shoots pretty damn well. I just shot my buddys 2 weeks ago. And although its not mine, my favorite gun at this particular moment is my buddies navy seal issued mp5. He has his class 3 so its fully auto and legit. We timed it the other day... it shot 30 rounds in 2 seconds! It is amazing. It just sucks that I can never have one, not only am I not class 3 but the fuckin thing cost like $26,000.
  10. I own a few firearms, and have fired almost every weapon in the US Army rangine from an M9 baretta to a M134 mini gun. If you're looking into AR's the S&W M&P series is well worth the money.

    So the S&W's are good. I have heard mixed reviews on them. I might have to look more into them then, they are well priced.



    So what kinda hoops do you have to jump through to get the super neato "gun crew" title?

  11. I havent shot an AR yet. My uncle is supposed to get one soon and he swears that Ill love it. Which Im sure I will. Im starting to think about saving up for one but, Id like to fire his first. And I figured Id better get one before its too late. And yeah, I LOVE glock. They are awesome. Im glad to see that there are some other gun nuts on here.
  12. So I have noticed that there are some of you with the title of "CR Gun Crew" in your sigs and avatars. I was just wondering what this is all about or if its just like an "inside joke" kinda deal. I have somewhat been around guns since I was 10, and have recently picked up a very strong interest/ addiction with firearms. I currently have a Glock 23 and a Romanian AK-47.


    What kinds of guns do you all have. Also, if anybody is selling anything let me know. Im always interested in new "toys".

  13. sarcasium? or for real? actually for what mods are on it its quick i havent been beat by another stock turbo srt4 yet

    For serious. What do you have done so far? I knew that those were quick but I didnt realize they were that quick.

  14. Im gonna have to say that I agree with Mr. Speedline on alot of what he has said. I feel very similarly on the some of the same issues. Also, if you look back in history and shit. The government was initially just normal everyday people voted into their postions and NOT multi-millionare ass-fucks. But, regardless of whatever issues are brought up in this debate... we're all fucked. Without a revolution our freedoms that we love so much will be taken from us.
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