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Posts posted by Wonderboy

  1. Well im not gonna sell it but, i have thought about an f-body. Sentra would go to daily driver status and the new car would be just for playing.


    One question that I've had is how is the handling on those cars. They are obviously great for straight line but can they turn well too?

  2. ide go by tim leaving for chicago as well ....ahh well goodlucj

    well that sucks. i've never gotten to run with an srt4 since i've put some parts on this thing, i mean i know how its gonna turn out but id like to see if i could somewhat hold my own or just get horribly embarrased. wait... i just totally remembered something from last year! did you and phil go to import face off at trails last year? because if i remember correctly didnt you guys switch cars for a run? if so i have a video of me running phil in your car, with my old setup. I jumped him off the line but then he caught and passed me. I think he did like a 14.5ish. (i did like 15.6ish)

  3. Was that dyno pic from earlier back in May or so when Dynotune had the dyno day? If so, then yeah, I remember that car. Hal, you were there. I busted my brake line when Howard pulled the car off the dyno.

    Yeah, that was me. I was the only guy from the spec v meet that would go. I only did 163hp 174ft/lbs on that day. Then I did the BSR and gained like 10whp.

  4. Raise taxes, make life suck for a while, there is no other way. If you actually give a shit about your country, and are willing to "ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country", pay your fuckin taxes, work hard, and get us back on top. Do NOT elect people who promise to pay you (by lowering your taxes or offering you a check), because tehy are not looking out for your best interests.


  5. We are screwed no matter who's in office. I've already started building my nuclear shelter and zombie fort.

    Its nice to see that someone else in this world feels the way that I do. I got the zombie problem already taken care of but the nuclear shelter is a tricky one.


    Just something else to add to NObama, the fucker is gonna try to take my guns and I wont tolerate that shit.

  6. I would love to have an m3 but arent they expensive? And I am looking to do an open track day sometime in the near future I hope. Id like to think that Ill do pretty well but, I guess ill just have to find out. How much does it costfor the open track days? Isnt it like $150ish?
  7. I still am not quite sure what class I would want to run. I figured for my first build I should go as cheap as possible just so I can get some experience because Im pretty sure that ill probably wreck or blow up the first one. The closest thing that I have as experience is driving on country back roads and shit. I have ALOT to learn about racing on a track.
  8. I have to work friday @ 7am. But, Im going fo sho. (as long as the weather holds out) Plus Im kinda hoping that this track session will finish off whats left of this clutch so I have an excuse to put my new parts in.
  9. So I finally went to mid ohio last weekend and it was fucking amazing. Does anybody on here do any road racing? I think that I really want to get into it and Id like to talk to someone that has some experience. And Im also looking for something old and cheap to buy and start building for this purpose. I was thinking maybe an older sentra or an old honda hatch or something. What do you guys think or know about this kinda stuff?
  10. Good point. I guess "putter" isnt all too serious, now if you would have said "scoot" it would have been a different story. lol


    Im sooo excited about this whole thing. Im scheduled to work that day and its gonna be kick ass to get paid for watching burnouts and eating free food!

  11. He also had Headers and a slew of other things done to his car. I wouldn't doubt ~170ish whp. Oh and welcome, you seem to have a good sense of humor just don't pick fights with the Big Guys, they tormented us all. They have a superior sense of "lulz".

    I wouldnt say that i have a slew of other things. Just intake, header, exhaust, and BSR. Everything is suspension. And I wasnt picking fights I was just trying to get to know some people and so far I like them! lol.

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