I don't got enough money to be original. Plus their only going on the DD. Im looking for cheap and something not too terrible to look at.
Appreciate the quick feedback. I've been leaning toward the konig feathers cuz I like the gold on white plus they only weigh 17 pounds. I like the second ones because I've never seen copper lip wheels.
So the 4th wheel on the sentra has been taken out by a pothole. Its bent too bad to even hold air so its time for new wheels. I've been ebay shopping cuz I want to keep it as cheap as possible so I can have money to start the rx7 project. I've actually found some pretty decent wheels in my price range but, I can't decide which ones. I've narrowed down to 3 so any feedback is appreciated.
So I've finally got some money and its time to buy. I'm looking for a 302 (preferred complete and carbed) and t5. Let me know what you got, this is a low budget build so cheaper is better. Thanks.
My old lady has wanted one of these for like 2 years now. She's always randomly showing me videos of them while saying "pleeeeeease". I told her it better taste delicious. lol.
I still got some 215/45's like what I have you last time. Bring me q wheel and $20 and ill get you mounted up. I've still got those 225/45 bfg drag radials I've been trying to sell to you for a while.
And the man who can melt your face...
You owe it to yourself to watch the whole video, so you can be handed the keys to the lamborghini. lol. Or atleast watch from 2:55 so you can see the greatest of all time. bitchs.