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Everything posted by Wonderboy

  1. Forgot to add... Chef Boyardee Jameson Busch Light
  2. Im gonna jump on the band wagon of, "who says it will be a missile?" Couldnt they easily just have someone stateside plant a nuclear weapon at their target? Seems much simpler and realistic than shooting weapons across the planet and shit.
  3. I just use that cheap ass body fortress whey isolate and it works pretty well. Typical day is something like... protein shake pack of precooked sausages 2-3 deli meat sammichs can of tuna cheese can of peas or beans junk food another sammich c4- before workout protein shake some random large dinner (pizza, burgers, or pasta typically) I was using creatine for about a month and a half and drinking like a gallon and a half to 2 gallons of water a day but, I wasnt really seeing any results so i stopped taking it. I havent noticed any loss of size or strength since quiting it either.
  4. For me its achieving and maintaining a "healthy" body weight and enough strength/ stamina to get through a full day of work and not be exhausted. I was at one point 160lbs at roughly 6'1". My goal was to get to about 180 and just maintain but, now that Im there Im thinking why not 190? So its likely to turn into a never ending cycle of new goals for myself but, I have NO intention of taking it too serious or competetive. Its just for me to feel better about myself. Plus, working out hard and blocking out the rest of the world for an hour or two is a great stress release.
  5. He was just going to his moms house.
  6. 6 hours a month doesnt sound like a bad gig. I wonder if there are any ways to earn a little extra. wink, wink, nod, nod, say no more.
  7. WTF???? http://columbus.craigslist.org/etc/3658964955.html You must have a picture to apply. You must be a male college student. Thanks!
  8. Ive never tried serving before. And dublin may be a little far away. I forgot to mention that id like to keep on the east side anywhere between westerville and pickerington (or even out to lancaster). Thanks for the info though.
  9. So Im looking for some part time work in the evenings, preferably starting around 6-7pm. Id prefer to work at a smaller private shop thats got a heavy work load and could use a hand getting through it. Ive got almost 9 years of shop experience and a couple ASE's. I do mostly undercar/ ride control type work but, can do pretty much anything aside from rebuilding engines and transmissions. Ive also got some construction/ remodeling experience and can do most related tasks except electrical or plumbing. Ive got a little bit of warehouse experience and a little retail experience as far as cashier and stocking type work. Im looking to do about 4-6 hours in the evening but, could do more if needed and available all day sunday and monday. Let me know if you got anything. Thanks.
  10. Ive also heard great things about sedona ripsaws. http://www.sidebysidestuff.com/sedona-rip-saw-radial-tire?productid=9171231&channelid=FROOG&utm_source=CSEs&utm_medium=GoogleShopping&utm_campaign=MCSE&gclid=CMiytJbc3LUCFc0-MgodtFcAmg . They are pretty aggressive but still keep the tread blocks fairly close which is good for hard pack or occasional road use. The bighorn will give a good ride quality on hardpack and pavement as well and does not sacrifice mud/ gravel performance. The big monster "paddle" treaded mud tires are gret but, will not handle as well on smoother terrains at higher speeds.
  11. Maxxis Bighorn's are a pretty awesome tire if you dont mind spending the money but, these bighorn knock offs have got some really good reviews and are much cheaper. http://www.motosport.com/utility/Artrax-CTX-Radial-Front-ATV-Tire-26x914 Ill probably put a set of these on my sportsman xp's when the factory tires wear out.
  12. Have you put many rounds through it yet? Any reliablity concerns? Im only asking so many questions because I plan on purchasing one for myself along with a buddy of mine and this will be his first handgun so I dont want to steer him in the wrong direction.
  13. Yeah, I hadnt thought about the easy to spot stainless versus an all black carry gun. I think for the price im not gonna find a better deal though. Ive read the nypd models had a stiffer trigger pull too which I would assume could be easily fixed if it became an issue. I found some trade ins that look like theyve never been holstered.
  14. Ive recently become interested In the Kahr K9 mainly due to price and a handful of reviews I have read about them. It would likely be used as a carry piece since its a bit narrower than my glock. I know nothing about Kahr but, read good things from time to time. Let me know what experiences youve had.
  15. My lady and I are planning on moving to a new house in the next couple years and my main concern is a 4 pplus car detached garage for just this reason. I know enough people to keep busy from there. But, there are also lots of small shops out there for purchase or rent so that wouod be my other option. I wouldnt want to do it out of my 2 car garage im stuck with now.
  16. I would copy cordell's plan. Kinda been thinking about doing that for a little while now and it woulfnt take much to start considering ive got most tools already.
  17. I may have a buyer for you. Ill let you know asap.
  18. So much want. How do you like the g2 trigger? I was considering an upgrade but, not sure if its enough improvement to even mess with it.
  19. That was pretty sweet. Im loving the part where the mic dies and he just keeps rocking the fuck out of it. Cool find.
  21. I would try to locate Hank III, and then proceed to party. Atleast thats what Im gonna try to do when Im down there in a few months.
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