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Everything posted by Wonderboy

  1. Yes, Im sure he was solely responsible for the whole thing. Ever heard the term "puppet"?
  2. Yeah yeah, I get that but, when it comes to REAL issues Im tired of people being all talk and no action. If people would quit being pussies and sacrifice a little bit of their comforts to make a change, this country would be a better place. The problem is, one man cant do it by himself and everybody else is too scared to stand with him. /drunk rant
  3. Jesus fucking christ mate, I hate obama as much as the next guy but, to believe that everything thats going on right now is completely HIS fault is naive as fuck. I typically agree with you on most of your views but, quit blaming a single man for all of our problems. All the shit we are dealing with today has been in the works for a long time. And to think that "republicans" hold all the great answers to our problems is ignorant. This country was not intended to be two large groups of people fighting eachother over everything. Maybe try thinking with a more independent point of view. To sum up my rant.... republicans and democrats are fucking retarded. I am sick and tired of political party affiliations in this country. This is why we cant accomplish anything as a society. Whatever happened to free thought??? Maybe Im just "special" but, I am one of the few who would absolutely stand up and fight back. Even if I knew with complete certainty that I would die, I would rather try and potentially sacrifice my life for my freedoms. I certainly do not want to live in a world where I dont have the freedom to do whatever the fuck I want whenever the fuck I want. YOLO. TRIPLET!!!
  4. All i remember from winters growing up was 6-13" when it snowed and that was on top of whatever may have already been on the ground. When I was little mom used to almost lose me because i was always out playing in it and could barely walk through it. Those were the best days ever and I built some of the baddest tunnels and igloos ever.
  5. You can never go wrong with top shelf long islands. That is my go to for a good time whenever I have an extra $100+ to blow on a few bottles of liquor. Sometimes just for fun Ill add a little crown royal to really make it taste like shit and fuck people up. I like to make long islands a gallon at a time and see what happens afterwards.
  6. I miss the burbs of cleveland. Its been so long since Ive seen REAL snowfall that Ive forgotten what it looks like.
  7. Yes, I absolutely believe that I will see it in my lifetimne but, I also have very little faith in my fellow man. I like to think that it will be something uncontrolable like nature finally purging itself but, I think its more realistic that it will be a collapse of our economy, society, and government or maybe even a government turing on its own people in terms of overly controlled everything. I think the fact that so may other societies in the past have been disarmed and then ass raped is a terrifying thing and Im really nervous that a stricter form of gun control will eventually be put into place and that the end result will be attempted disarmament, which to me is a SHTF scenario. ENDRUNONSENTENCEFULLOFINCOMPLETETHOUGHTS I also think that tin foil hats are a very fashionable way to protect your thoughts.
  8. I couldn't agree more. That's why I'm saying that arguing with people in the internets is a waste of time. It doesn't solve anything. I've never heard of a written revolution, it requires a bit more of a hands on approach which would be a better use of people's time in my opinion.
  9. What a bunch of fags. When will you fuckers realize that arguing with eachother on here wont change anything, ever. Im sure you all feel so tough and empowered because youre "standing youre ground" and what not but, this is all just a waste of time. Eat shit.
  10. Only if you want youre wheel studs cross threaded and your oil drain plugs stripped. When I worked in canal we used to have multiple cars a month towed from walmart to our shop to have these types of things repaired fairly regularly.
  11. But, do you have any good reason for me NOT to have one? Im pretty sure a bullet has the same effect regardless of what it was fired from. Trying to regulate what type of firearms you should and should not have is just fucking stupid, atleast in my opinion. All I have to say is that the day someone shows up at my front door to disarm me is likely going to be the same day I die.
  12. Youre first problem was going to discount tire. Of course their "techs" know nothing. They hire junkie high school kids @ minimum wage to perform their services. If you want things done the right way, you have to pay more at a real service facility. Just my 2 cents but, I am a little biased. Sorry to hear that you had a bad experience.
  13. Make sure to post up when youre going out to wayne when they open back up. Im sure we could get a good group together from the forum to come out. I know Im down. Me and a couple buddies have started to go down to the hatfield mccoy trails atleast once a year, now thats some serious riding. Get some pics of the toys asap.
  14. 2 UR MOMZ HOUSE... TWICE....... A WEEK.......... not worth it...
  15. This is the greatest thing EVER! Why isnt this more popular, definitely better than any traditional american sports for sure.
  16. Yeah, it says that they want to spend their entire day not working and actually have time to enjoy life. I think 30 seconds of piss is a good trade for that kind of freedom. I say pee on me for life.
  17. Little bewbs. LOL HAHHAHAHAHAA!!!! GROSS!!!
  18. I agree, ohio is full of fat slobs with shitty ass excuses to make themselves feel "ok" with their grossness. Im tired of looking at you nasty fucks, do a sit up. On a side note, I like to party.
  19. Sounds like youve been locked up in franklin county before.
  20. Is there a pay increase after the "temporary associate" period or atleast room to move up into more pay? This is about 2.5 miles from home and Im thinking about picking up a second job.
  21. I know that feel bro, I totally hate when other people dont buy things for me and then i gotta be all like WTF comrad?
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