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Everything posted by Wonderboy

  1. Haha! I think the same exact things everytime I get on there. Sometimes itgets depressing to see how many idiots there are out there.
  2. Haaaaaappy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Briiiiiiian. Happy birthday to you! WTF!!!
  3. Yikes, if the first things dont kill them, that sure will.
  4. Wonderboy

    Team Output

    Shit I got tied up with that POS stang earlier. Ill do it in the morning. I think Ill make some copies too and start handing them out.
  5. Wonderboy

    Team Output

    Trust me. It is.
  6. That was cool. Its Sweet to see so many different types of cars all together. And mine was obnoxiously loud.
  7. Wonderboy

    Team Output

    Shit was classic. I still got that business card too. Im going to join up so I can "be where Im wanted." I thought he was boosted. If i had known he was just spraying I would have talked a little shit and got him to do an off the bottle race. That would have been the slowest race ever!
  8. I was planning on going today to look at it but, I gotta go to a birthday party. If I get done with that early enough I still might try to. Tomorrow is most likely. If that car is actually decent and he'll take less for it Id probably end up doing it. If your really willing to go look at it with me Ill let you know when Im going cuz I dont know too much about stangs and even less about 2.3t stangs.
  9. Well Im starting to wonder about this 2.3t. The guy dropped the price another $500 already, which means it dropped $1000 within the past week. Plus it was listed again with slightly less and different info than the original ad. Look: http://columbus.craigslist.org/cto/1086050801.html
  10. Haha! That shit was great. "TEAM OUTPUT!!!" I was impressed with the turnout tonight. Me and the lady had a good time and it was nice to meet a few new people. I think this was a great way to show respect and thanks to all who helped plan it.
  11. I hate the side/back window thing. Ugh, Nissan just keeps going further and further down the shit hole. Im almost ashamed.
  12. Im planning on trying to look at it on sunday and see if its really as good as it looks in the pics. How much power can be made on a stock 2.3t? I dont know too much about them, Ive always liked the overall idea of them though.
  13. Any more info on this? Is this even happening? Am I just talking to myself? Maybe I am but just don't know it yet? Do you like gyro's as much as me? Do you want fries with that? Can I get a liter of cola?
  14. I bet life is hard when you live it a 1/4 mile at a time. I was gonna say that you should remove all the butt nasty ricer shit but, I think leaving it on would be much more of a "sleeper" effect. If I saw that car driving around I would never even consider that it would make decent power and thus I would talk shit to the wrong guy.... blah blah blah... you get my point. Welcome and hope to see you at the track day. "And for that 10 seconds or less, Im free."
  15. Which one? The 2.3T? Im gonna try to wait it out a little while and see if the price goes down more. Then again I also started thinking about AR-15"s and 1911's today too. I just dont know which one to spend my monies on.
  16. Ok. Then how about this? http://columbus.craigslist.org/cto/1080480068.html
  17. Its already gone. I was REALLY considering it but, he had an opportunity to make more money off of it so I let it go.
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