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Posts posted by Jewtoys

  1. No, it's a serious thread. It's a bet with my wife. If i drive a beetle with the daisy wheel for a year, then I can buy a 911tt after that. Shit, I may move to German Village after the year too :)




    This makes no cents

  2. If you call to threaten to cancel any service;cable, internet, phone, they drop their pants, EVERY time!! I have been on the promotional rate for my DSL for 3 years-every time they jack it back up, I call to cancel. Same with XM int he caddy.....


    Know the system. Beat the system!


    I tried that with my business internet connection and home connection, they told me to pound sand :lolguy:

  3. +1 for mailchimp.




    if you have scraped emails from over the years you will probably need to send out an opt-in email to "legitimize" your list.



    They all belong to a service I own.


    I am doing a similar project and decided to go with MailChimp. I'm emailing about 2600 contacts. You need to use a service because too many bounces from your email or too much stuff marked as spam and you get blacklisted. Mass email should always take place using some other SMTP.


    If you're mass emailing 50 people you know (like maybe they're fellow country club members :D ), it's one thing, if you are actually trying to market to a list of leads, it's risky.


    Use a service....my .02




    Yeah you're right, going to look into Mailchimp today.



  4. excel spreadsheet with all the email address. then write a macro to automatically send out all the emails with custom fields and what not.




    I converted them over to a spreadsheet, but have no idea how to do what you suggested... Is there some type of service where I can just import the spreadsheet?

  5. I'm looking to mass email my customers, from one of my businesses. Does anyone know of the easiest way to do this? Any free examples? Just want to send out something basic, nothing fancy. Roughly 10k emails...... I've never had to do this, but it's the easiest way to get what I want accomplished.
  6. I am fully aware of that. That warranty however is NOT what most people think it is.


    Read up a few posts.


    Another member even commented that their dealership stopped offering Dinan products for the exact reason I commented on in the middle of the thread.


    Well that's no good..

  7. I have witnessed factory techs attempt to prove an ECU was tuned, and fail in doing so. These were vehicles that I KNOW were infact tuned previously. It's a never ending cat and mouse game. Aftermarket finds a way to get something done undetectable, then the factories find a way to prevent that exploitation in the future.


    More often than not, you are correct though, even port flashes can usually be detected.




    This was what I previously thought, and I have come to find that it is not fully correct.


    See the Dinan comments above. Dinan packages sold by and installed by BMW dealers can still cause warranty issues.


    Dinan is the one who offers his own warranty.

  8. How would you like to be one of the financial backers of the dealership. You are sitting on a beach in Panama or something then this all happens and sales drop 80%. I'm shocked they didn't clean house, go on a public campaign that they cleaned house and try to save a little face with the public.


    It's a little shack of a dealer.

  9. I feel like this entire thing was staged. If the post-delivery video was able to be posted, where is the pre-delivery part of the video where he claims to have explained to them the bill? People sitting at desks and ordering pizza that don't even work there. This all makes it seem like a group of people came up with an idea to scam America and start a "go fund me" account.


    No way. You can see the owner uploaded the video and tried to delete it.


    Give him a call on his cell 508-665-9333

  10. I'm so sick of gulf livery. I like it on old porsches and original GT40s, but for a while every thrid hipster was painting the old honda/ new thuxton gulf colors. totally burned out on it.


    I have to agree with ya.

  11. So Vipers should have Hellcat motors. Right?


    Vettes should have the new TTV6 in the ATS-V. Right?





    Its un-natural and I dont like it.




    Doesn't matter. The car will have zero problems selling.



    I see the motor choice as a positive, seeing another truck motor wouldn't be exciting.

  12. What?


    If you fall off a boat several miles from land, I'm pretty sure you would prefer to have a life jacket. Since he didn't have one, he HAD TO swim miles because he had no choice, and by some miracle he pulled it off. I'm willing to bet if he'd been wearing a jacket, he would have been noticed by the other fishing boat or the coast guard copter.


    Life jacket or not, you're pretty fucked in that situation, but the odds of surviving have gotta be greater with the jacket vs attempting to swim that distance.


    Yep, he said at one point he was close to a boat but couldn't signal it. Life jackets generally have whistles on them for a reason..

  13. The Veyron was always about function over form, and more of a technological masterpiece. I wonder if it will ever have a real rival some day?


    Yeah I know, just wish it wasn't so ugly. Given the million versions they've made of the car, it will be interesting to see how the market plays out with them over the long run.

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