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Posts posted by Jewtoys

  1. His living situation is a bit complicated at the moment, but where he's staying he's only got access to a regular old 110V extension cord, which I think he said charges at a rate of 3 miles per hour. It's enough for him to get to work and back as long as he leaves it charged for 14 hours every day, but if he needs to duck into a supercharger station to do any real driving. Fortunately that's less than 5 miles away for him, but still a pain.



    That sounds like the worst possible situation, what a dummy.

  2. Maybe share how much driving you would like to tackle?



    For something semi close you could swing through the Charlotte area for the whitewater, canoeing, zip lining, etc needs as you said you don't want anything too extreme. (Man-made) http://usnwc.org/ Really fun place to spend the day at.


    From there you could head out to the blue ridge parkway and enjoy that...

  3. Unless you absolutely need something 100% custom I'd avoid reinventing the wheel as there are tons of solutions that are already out there. (OS Commerce, OpenCart and boat loads of others)


    I have contacted pretty much everyone on the market, and either they cannot handle what I want or they take a large cut from each sales which I would never do.

  4. They treated that trash with kid gloves when they finally decided to help the officer out. I would have been far less gentle. Black, white, woman, man, "child", "unarmed child" it doesn't matter. These are situations where the cop gets he head mashed in and has to eat soup the rest of her vegetative life.


    Without hesitation I would have full swung from behind. Hopefully I never find myself in a situation like this.

  5. So does anyone know if she was drunk or is it just speculation?


    One summer in college I drove a cab on third shift (not a yellow cab, a hire car) on long island. Used to see lots of people on the road asleep in their cars, usually at traffic lights. Most weren't drunk (at least the ones on the weeknights weren't usually) to my observation, just driving too late at night and too tired. NY now treats falling asleep behind the wheel as a first offense DUI it was that much of a problem. I've fallen asleep behind the wheel before, never for more than a split second, and I can tell you when your body gets to that level of exhaustion you don't make smart decisions. I usually pull over to the shoulder and sleep for about an hour, so I can sympathize if she wasn't drunk, but she sure picked the wrong spot to conk out.



    How about stay off the fucking road if you're about to fall asleep? Seems pretty simple

  6. So has anyone ever called 1800-grab-a-dui?


    Watching this reminded me that I did once on St. Pats when someone almost launched themselves off an expressway ram on 270.



    I've called the police on someone before, they told me to stop following and no units were in the area! Tiny little suburb too! The car was riding up on tree lawns, going into on coming traffic, and finally almost took out an ambulance when he blocked the person in.



    Also "Enter" from here and I were on our motorcycles, on a 45+ MPH two lane road when someone swerved into our lane, and darted back over and almost took someone else out, he drove full speed into a school, over the whole front lawn of the place and realized we were following him, and he tried to hide the car behind bushes! The guy drove straight into fucking bushes. I got off the bike and tried talking the guy out of the car, but he kept telling me to speak English..... I went for the keys to turn the car off and he floored it back towards the road, over a massive hill, launched the car into the road and came inches from tagging a car and went full bore down the road in both lanes......



    People suck!

  7. This is the only one i listen to, just started listening last week. Quite good IMO


    I don't know how you people do it, he repeats the same crap over and over, and doesn't really know what the hell he is talking about half the time. Not to mention when he asks people to throw money to his Paypal account, every 25 minutes :lolguy:

  8. Shes mentioned the melting pot a couple times. I'm not big into fondue... what is there for a meat eater?


    If you want to eat food cooked in a sodium bath, head to the melting pot. Everything ends up tasting like ramen, my gf drags me here once a month,I end up just eating dessert and nothing else.

  9. Me too. Have wanted one since I was 15...not gonna do it. Not with the way traffic/driver's are these days.


    I have to consciously exert effort in regards to not making phone calls or texting while driving, but this vid demonstrates exactly why I do so. Not worth it. Even bluetooth phone capabilities. Doesn't matter if both hands are on the wheel or not. I literally blew right through a red light while talking on the phone a few years ago even using bluetooth through my truck. By the grace of God there was no accident or citation, but at that point I told myself nope...no more. Personal call? It can wait. Work call? It can wait. Neither of those are worth someone losing their life over.


    Eh live once, You just have to be extremely vigilant. With that said I have one close call every week during the warm months on two wheels, people suck but there's a million ways you can die easily.

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