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Posts posted by Jewtoys

  1. Anyone have any suggestions for moving a motorcycle in a uhaul trailer? No matter which route I go I'll have to move my crap. I'm thinking a 6x12 uhaul trailer will work (I'm dumping most of my belongings). I'll be having 1 car my mustang shipped and towing everything else with my saab. I had thought about taking a sheet of plywood, and building a frame on each side out of 2x4's, strapping the bike to that and then that to the side rails, anyone have any experience in this?



    I've never used a U-haul trailer for a motorcycle, but make sure to snag one of these. Makes things alot easier and secure.



  2. Such a great company that supports a customer like this. If I had a customer that posted the stuff this guy did, on facebook about Gary, I would have fired him as a customer.


    That is a poor representation of the brand and now stains the company.


    It really is like the movie step brothers, but more sad because its real life.


    Prestige World Wide learned to blow up cars bruh...


    If you told me the whole story about Wiggs, him joining here and UGR joining to call him out, Him starting a company, Talks of Nasa, Etc, I would never believe it. Wild

  3. I believe this is somewhat in order, this guy sent way more messages then what is posted below, but going through everything has given me a headache. This should be good enough for a laugh.



    This is the beginning














    I do work by myself which is hilarious him telling me otherwise, Then he states I'm afraid that is why I keep responding, so I went dark till he found my name from here on CR.

















    The irony in this is, I'm part owner of an IT firm out of state. I told this guy I used to do IT, and everything he has been telling me are lies, but he tried to convince me his lies are truth? I think I would know which internet provider I have and use, along with other childish things this fool kept saying.











    Like I said he sent a ton more, but this is good for some laughs. To summarize I really don't know anyone by the name of Jeff, I don't have Time Warner, He first claimed I lived an hour and 8 minutes away then when someone alerted him to the thread here on CR where I was posting about him, he found my name and found out I don't live an hour and 8 minutes away hahaha. Throughout the whole thread it's nothing but him making threats and I should beg him to stop, then once I tell him I contacted three different channels of authority's he changes his tune instantly.

  4. That's the kind of stupid I though you only could see in a movie. I guess he fails to realize all those lovely messages and posts can be recovered.


    Do what is right, throw that fool under the bus and smile as you back over him again, and again, and again :fuckyeah:


    Yeah I'm not sure what this guys deal is, he seemed to think because it wasn't my real name on Facebook making threats against someone's life, and it was a simple threat this guy went on and on that he was in the clear, was confirmed by federal authorities that's not the case and it should be reported immediately. Then he knew my name but I'm suspecting someone on here knows him, and realized it says my name right under the screen name here.



    He went from billy bad ass, then once he found out I did that he said I was butt hurt. I told him to stop contacting me as I have nothing else to reply to him with he goes stop talking you physco, I'll press charges if you don't. Hahaha. Once he realized he might have a shit storm headed his way, he was no longer a tough guy.

  5. Take some screenshots so we can read the threats. Then find out what PD he works for and get ahold of his supervisor, show them these and say your worried because hes a "Trained whatever he said he was" and then say you want to file charges for Threats and Harassment and see where it goes haha


    He literally sent a million threats, just kept talking himself up haha. He worked for Findlay, they wouldn't confirm he still works there but gave me a contact that would if I call tomorrow. Filed with them, local police, and fbi who had me go through some ic3 thing, wasn't going to as I really could careless but if he is still a cop I want something on record as he's not stable, might be the next person to rage out on someone innocent while on the job. After I told him this, he changed his tune by stating because it's not a "real" Facebook page I couldn't do anything, the fbi seemed to think otherwise though then he tells me stop talking to him or he will press charges, instantly changed his tune. Went from spouting off creepy threats to acting like he never said anything.

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  6. Post screenshots, need luls. Why anyone past the age of 14 would say such things is beyond me, it's more than enough to get someone fired/arrested :lol:




    Posted one under that tatted cops facebook page under a fake name. Confirming with Findlay to see if he's a cop then will forward text convo and wait for outcome of real lulz.



    He randomly messaged and keeps threatening to kill yet cannot even tell me what state I live in

  7. One for for the laughs


    From him: I live exactly 1 hour and 8 mins from you. I'd find somewhere to park your car. I'll destroy that first. You are my new hobby. This will be fun



    You can't hide. I know everything. You are scared and full of shit. I know exactly where you are, where you work and where you live. You're all mine. This will be the worst phase of your life. I'm good at this stuff. Highly trained and I'm bored. So you are






    Ah ha ha!

  8. You mean this guy?




    Bwhaha this Chad guy started trolling me as well, once my comments were deleted he decided to private message me. His message reads, Hey fag boy, see you see. :lolguy::lolguy::lolguy:



    Should screen shot that and post it on whichever police force facebook he works for :)



    Edit: Now tells me he is going to be waiting for be when I least expect it, then goes on to say when i leave work. Sounds like a 14 year old

  9. Why bother? The guy is clueless, has not class, and generally seems like a world class asshole along with the people who he employs. I have run into a few of them and how they deal with the public is disturbing at best.


    Now, it really is fun to punt this guy around online and even more so since he ran from here like a scared kid after he got called out on his lies and Underground Racing showed up.


    I feel bad for people who buy a shit sammich from this dope. I'm waiting for when the place goes under to see if I can score any tools, parts, or maybe a lift on the cheap.



    Watching how people follow every word this guy says, and the complete lack of any real "work" being completed baffles me. I own two businesses, I'm just going to start flat out making false claims, see how it goes :gabe:

  10. Your Nuts.


    Incline Village/Lake Tahoe area is some of the most beautiful land in the Country. Couple that with stupid low or no taxes, driving distance to Vegas/San Fran. Win-Win for anyone making decent money.



    But the "where" in Nevada is very important.



    90% of Nevada is terrible, I stand corrected.

  11. Think we are going to do a Limited Diesel with towing and Luxury Group II package. We get a nice hookup with Ohio Health. Just hammering out details and finding the car, I guess diesel in red is pretty rare. We have a Vin but they would have to do a dealer trade.


    Although we are considering a gas Overland, she is not real happy with the noisy diesel.


    New Diesel are pretty silent

  12. You're the only one that could finance a car that old. Good ole bank'o'dad loans


    One of my banks would finance any year vehicle, at 2.9% and I think the longest term they offer is 72 months at that rate haha.

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