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Everything posted by Jewtoys

  1. It's been a few days since I posted that, I absolutely hate the service. It's terrible
  2. LS swaps are become the new flat black scheme.
  3. What's the amount? Might not be worth the time and hassle
  4. I see this a fair amount, Looks and sounds awesome in person http://pic20.picturetrail.com/VOL1212/4798801/20553832/406260185.jpg
  5. Those cars are hideous, I get the performance they offer but I would want something that would bring me to the garage just to stare at it occasionally. I have the same feelings towards the GTR, they offer great performance and I would seriously drop the money on one if they didnt look like a bloated maxima
  6. The costs if something happens to that motor are insane, not to mention it seems 90% of the ones that get rebuilt blow up again. This is why I stayed away from the V8 TT and opted for the S4. Realistic car that I will own: Ferrari 355 Challenge-Ariel Atom Unrealistic car: Ferrari F40-Ford GT
  7. Just saw one this morning... Blah
  8. I just realized my contract has been up for awhile with AT&T. They don't offer unlimited data and my single line on average was between $140-180. Just switched to sprint for unlimited everything for $80.... The service is pretty spotty to be honest, but I'm in Charlotte not Columbus.
  9. Yep. Neighbor has a identical looking one. Thing smokes more then a 90s zack Morris jet ski
  10. Probably that rough road. My Elise and esprit would both look like that if parked on anything that wasn't completely flat. Had one of the front tires lift on both cars while pulling out of my driveway too, stiff shit buckets
  11. Yikes! Much better way to blow 50k and possibly live another day http://forums.evolutionm.net/other-cars-sale-wanting-buy-wtb-trade-wtt/670133-fs-2007-campagna-t-rex-turbod-one-kind.html
  12. Quads, dirt bikes, no gear. Bunch of winners
  13. I'm shocked once they started bashing his windows he didn't slam it in reverse and slam into more of them. I sure would have, the trapped feeling would have to feel terrible
  14. Ouch, People are paying $300 a month for health insurance? Maybe I should be grateful for the $60 a month I pay.
  15. Why I like riding by myself only. Fuck those people
  16. I live in NC and hike regularly so I'm used to the bobcats, those aren't intemedating but I didn't realize how big mountain lions actually were. It was a good distance away but could have easy caught up to me. Nature can sure be sketchy
  17. I've seen a mountain lion while hiking and almost shat myself, couldn't imagine running into one of these guys!
  18. Makes me feel bad I'm eating a monstrous pulled pork sandwich right now
  19. IF you have the money to support owning this, go for it!
  20. I've had my oil filter vibrate loose on my bike, I guess anything is possible....
  21. I was in your same shoes and ended up only spending 20+ k on something. After doing researching and asking around I decided on a 04.5 lly duramax. Couldn't be happier. Excellent truck, love the Allison. I've towed through some steep mountains with zero issues going 80+
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