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Everything posted by Jewtoys

  1. That's 60 hours every week, put a ice pick in my head instead.
  2. A paltry 27$ an hour to live in North Dakota. Yikes
  3. I forgot to update this Goodyear actually did the right thing, they have the district manager call me. He setup a time for a different shop to check out my truck and then replace the control arm for the third time..... That went well and they issued me a full refund for the other work they did as well.
  4. Everything. Prepare to lose 10k a year, because AMG
  5. What can you do with these? I've never given it much thought but the office I have someone left one of these behind and it's sitting in storage. Forgot about it till I saw this thread
  6. One of those conversions were at a local dealer here in Charlotte a few months back, quality looked factory. Not sure if it's the same company but was surprised
  7. One of those conversions were at a local dealer here in Charlotte a few months back, quality looked factory. Not sure if it's the same company but was surprised
  8. I've actually had no issues, well worth the 35$ each one costs
  9. I have Chromecast on all of my TV that I use with Netflix or the occasional Youtube video on the big screens. I rarely watch TV so it's perfect, I was paying over 100$ a month for cable for like two years and maybe turned a TV on 5 times? Finally cancelled that crap recently
  10. I swear you have to be the ultimate troll. I almost would pay to hear life updates of yours, oh wait you post them here. Use your imagination mang, she's your girl
  11. Pshh same story here. I RENT a modest three story town home, I also have no cable. (Don't watch tv) donate over 10k+ each year, which I don't write off. Not sure if you can. And still should be coughing up over 10k at the end of the year. Wild! I would also consider myself far from rich too
  12. Nope I also don't want to support a few of them a year either
  13. Any chance to bring that clip back into my life, I will go for it :lolguy:
  14. That's a move it quick price sir Goodluck
  15. Uhaul sells old ones http://www.uhaul.com/TruckSales/
  16. Link to pics doesn't work. Good deal
  17. Ha ha, I'm not sure? I don't watch TV Hopefully they call back today and want to be reasonable.
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