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Posts posted by Jewtoys

  1. A lot of states dont require notary's. If that state doesnt then you need to get the vin verified by a dealer etc. They give you a slip to take to BMV



    Whenever I have picked up a car from a state that doesn't require a notary I never had to stop at a dealer.


    Simply just went to the BMV and they do the out of state inspection on the spot. Cost's only a few bucks and all they do is look at the mileage and the vin.

  2. if your there by 8 or 9 you might have a chance to get that tv




    Yeah pass on that..




    I remember a few years back I was in a best buy and ended up with a laptop and TV both at crazy prices.. Somehow they had them just sitting out and no one noticed? It was weird... I didn't plan on buying either but they ended up going straight to crazylist

  3. Actually, smoking does a few things for you. Not all negative. Secondly, it makes you no more or less weak than any other craving or habit. Of course, I'm sure you have zero craving or habits that you ever give into. I mean, you wouldn't generalize and disrespect an entire group of people out of ignorance and bigotry would you? :rolleyes:


    Think before you speak.


    BTW, I don't smoke. :)[/




    Putting yourself in the position to become addicted to something as worthless as smoking makes you weak.

  4. I cannot stand these people. They never follow any sort of rules, ever. I have no issues when they are given their own lane and actually stay in it but 99% of the time they think they are a car and never move over. On my way home about 15 minutes ago two riders took up the whole lane and refused to move over I had to stay behind them for a few minutes till I could pass. I always say one of these days I will ram one of them, just like the idiot birds that never move out of the street.




    Also to add to this, atleast a few times a week I always see them just fly past a red light and people having to slam on the brakes.

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