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Posts posted by Jewtoys

  1. think outside the box, you will never get caught in traffic if you dont want to be. Awesomeness on any surface. and you dont see them every day.

    $7500 spend the rest on fuel, be ready for the zombie apocolypse.

    I bring you . . . a bobbed duece.




    that one is most likely sold but they are out there, and they are fun/awesome.






    I have nowhere to park that thing, although I would love to own one for the hell of it. I was going to buy a Hummer H1 a few months back but the douche bag wouldn't accept a check... I even said I will wait for it to clear, no way in hell I was going to show up in the middle of nowhere SC with cash.. :lolguy:

  2. What do YOU want from the car? Fast, turbo, reliable, new, older, handling, straight line, cornering?


    You want fast get a V8. Corvette, mustang, Camero, viper

    Handling get a Corvette, lotus, BRZ, miata, rx8,rx7

    Unique, not a Corvette or mustang. Get a lotus, Porsche, viper, 300z

    Do you want new, Corvette, 370z or older 300z, rx7


    Cars are about what you want. I feel like I own 2 unique, amazing driver cars with a MR2 turbo and a BRZ. Not the fastest car and they get hate on here, but fun as Hell to drive and you might only see one once a month on the street.


    I've always wanted a Esprit... But I want something that will be fun to drive and to take to the mountains to have some fun. Not looking for anything that is really fast at he moment.


    I'm just going to leave this here:




    Z4M Coupe. Can be found just under the $30k ticker.


    It handles like it's on rails (the strongest BMW chassis to date)

    Has the famous S54 Engine (333HP w/269 ft-lbs)

    Unique - Only #1818 made and in the US


    Just a thought. Though I'm bias


    I hate the newer m-coupes. There is a track prepped older body style for sale I have had my eye on... But it's literally a track only car and I doubt it will sell for what he wants... Considering the time of the year he will probably be sitting on it and I may make a offer on that to have a track car...

  3. Cliffs:


    Esprit=totally undependable, even new, after owning one you might decide to give up on cars entirely. Thin line between love and hate, so they say.


    If the Elise didn't handle better than your EVO, then I would say there was something terribly wrong with the Elise. It needs correct tires and a sport suspension. Also, although adding a turbo is a great idea to perk up the performance, just the factory chip and exhaust changed the car's character entirely and lowered the point of crossover for the valve timing. New, the upgrade was $3500, but it was money well spent and I'm sure many of the used ones will already have this "upgrade" which should have come standard.



    I've heard that many times... But then some owners say otherwise.. Kinda reminds me of the DSM and EVOs.


    It was a stock Elise.

  4. I was just in your situation and decided on an LS1 FD RX-7. I also considered a 963 or 993 911 Turbo but just couldn't find one I trusted.



    People want insane money for LSX swapped RX-7



    I also don't trust them :gabe:



    I have considered the older 930s though, I love them. But 4spd...

  5. Doc talked a little about Lotus when he had his Elise, said that once Toyota was on board with the powertrain they were very reliable, before that not so much. I thought the Elise was a great little car, but I can see not liking the power as there really isn't a lot. Not sure what I'd suggest, that's why I have a powerful Camaro and a great handling Miata. You have to spend more then I have in both cars to get the same levels of performance of both.


    I would be stepping into the Esprit knowing they probably will require more "love" then anything I've ever owned..



    I really hated the powerband of the Elise and it truly didn't seem to handle any better then the EVO I had. So I took a pass

  6. 1G DSM for $1500. Put $10K into build. Beat the snot out of $30k sports cars. Laugh because you still have $18.5 in cash. Win.


    Bring it on haters.



    I've had plenty of DSM and Colts and the like... I will pass on that garbage.


    pass on the espirit. they have terrible tranny issues and will grenade. its not a matter of if but when...


    elise is a great car. lightweight nimble exotic look. the are a pain in the ass to crawl in and out of all the time. they have been high on my list of next fun car but i've always picked something over it. the power issue can easily be addressed by adding a turbo or supercharger to them. go to lotus talk and browse there classified section. you can by one already done for less then what you would spend.


    what criteria do you have in wanting in this fun car? 2 door or 4 door? do you prefer n/a to FI? whats the maximum you are willing to spend?


    for the money there is no better car then a c5z06. they are dirt cheap these days where you could buy one and then do coilovers,breathing mods etc in your budget.



    I'm not looking at a TT model. Esprit S4. Best all around Esprit....


    Like I've said I really don't know if I could get into a Corvette.. Just something about them I hate...


    No 4-doors. Looking for a sports car. I already have a daily.



  7. Corvettes are a dime a dozen because they are awesome sports cars for the money. If you have excellent-condition-Esprit money to spend on a car, I would also look at a Viper.


    My favorite? Factory Five Cobra! :)



    I love the Daytona coupes but they sell for way more then 30k. maybe when I'm older I will want a cobra though :)



    The only downside to the Esprit is it pretty much will never be fast.... With a Viper I would have a good number of setups to pick from.....

  8. Sold my EVO a few months ago and have picked up two bikes to try and replace having a fun car... The bikes are fun but I want another car... I've always wanted a Lotus Esprit or Elise. Two days ago I drove a Elise and hated the feel of the N/A motor... I'm considering picking up a Esprit this weekend but figured I would listen to some ideas before I drop mid 20s on such a old car... :dumb:
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