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Posts posted by Jewtoys

  1. 1---flesh wound---stop using it as an excuse as to why your life is a failure. the human body is extremely forgiving, and resilient at the same time. especially for someone injured at your age. nothing wrong with your thigh---your disability is in your head. if every single person i operated on claimed disability, this country would fall to shit. last year i removed a rod from a 20 year old's leg (that i put in a year prior to fix a compound fracture) just so he could get in the military. man the fuck up, pussy. you're a 23 year old gimp. do you use a handicapped parking pass.:dumb:


    2-- i'm not rich---i work harder than you could ever imagine. everyhing i've ever bought has been provided my hard work, dedication when i was in college/med school/residency/fellowship, and now practice. i was in the hospital at 6 am today fixing someone's crushed femur, operated late last night fixing a hip fracture. this week i replaced 4 hips, 8 knees, and re-did a worn out knee replacement---in addition to seeing 120+ patients in the office, preparing a lecture next week, all while being on-call for the past 7 days.


    3---you're not in the middle class


    4---it's "faggot". surprised you wouldn't know how to spell that word, as i'm sure you've heard it several times in your life




    I love it!

  2. I'm really digging the 12 inch long reflectors behind the rear wheel and ahead of the front wheel. Kinda looks like parentheses, which I personally consider a design "feature":










    God that car is gross. The semi Ferrari-Viper front looks decent but the rip off of the Camaro rear just looks awful. Also that rear reflector was ripped straight off a Elise :lolguy:

  3. Wasn't a last resort for my wife and I at all. We were just both really busy and didn't want to waste time with all the scumbags you meet out. We both valued our free time more than that.


    That's how it goes for most couples I know that met online. This isn't 1997.


    I'm not trying to take stabs at anyone. I just don't see how it could be that hard to meet decent people.

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