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Everything posted by unfunnyryan

  1. With the huge verge of digital cameras about a decade back, you can't go wrong with any of the top brands mid range products. If you haven't owned a modern video camera in many years, you'll be in for a decent surprise, as the purpose built video cameras in the $300-500 range have drastically improved. Any sony/nikon/canon/fuji will suit you well, although for video sony/canon are the better buys, IMO.
  2. they want to get the kids quick so they can have them in the system for the future
  3. How the fuck did this thread get to 58 pages? This shit should of been aborted a long time ago. Fucking shit reminds me of when my exgirlfriend got pregnant, and we decided it would be best to abort it. It was a surgical abortion and she was advised not to have sex for 30 days, but we had sex after about a week (stupid, I know). We were 69'ing and she used to like it when I would pretty much put her entire pussy, clit, lips and everything into my mouth and suck it. I sucked it and swallowed a chunk of flesh. Was like waaaaait a minute, then threw her off me and started vomiting all over the bed. She started crying and shit when I told her what was up. She told me when she calmed down that she had been having discharge since the abortion and the doctors told her random bits of flesh/gunky stuff might appear for a few weeks. Tasted so fucking disgusting. I sucked up and swallowed the discharge of an abortion.
  4. this is a sensationalized news story, there is a better one out there showing them actually swapping the parts. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2010/05/06/exclusive-toy-gun-sold-easily-turned-real-thing/
  5. This is actually somewhat true. For a while there was airsoft guns that mimicked the operation of an AR-15 so accurately, you could actually take the lower receiver on the airsoft gun and use it with a real upper. Best part is, it had full auto.
  6. One news source said his name matched one on the local tea party website.
  7. This is why I'm glad I have a huge pirated collection of movies/tv/music.
  8. is that the guy from Happiness? This thread is more fucked up and stupid than that movie.
  9. Wrong. I've shot 3.5" slugs before, they kick like no other. Cheaper than dirt sells 3.5" shells in every load available, including buck and slug. Expresses will chamber 2 3/4" as well as 3". All of the "magnum" shotguns are now designated as "super mag" and will chamber 3.5" http://www.remington.com/products/firearms/shotguns/model-870/model-870-express-super-mag-turkey-waterfowl.aspx http://www.cheaperthandirt.com/ItemListing.aspx?catid=8014 http://www.cheaperthandirt.com/ItemListing.aspx?catid=8016
  10. there is no such thing. there is apps that claim to do it but that person must have it installed too, and even then it can be inaccurate and they have to view certain parts of your profile for it to wokr.
  11. truck hit a building is what i heard and on 315n by powell road a truck apparently turned over Fucking columbus. Every fucking week a truck tips over on the highway and its always full of some unknown chemical.
  12. rails and lasers make you 1337 tactical operator.
  13. There are plenty of gas water heaters that don't use electricity at all. I have one.
  14. girlfriends 8 year old sister was watching tv and said "i think all the chinese should go back to china for taking our jobs" yeah, its great shit for kids to hear. Was pretty funny though.
  15. I pirate games based on the level of DRM they have. Ubisoft shit always gets pirated. Most indie, valve, id? Bought.
  16. get an antec 300 for the case it includes 2 much higher quality fans around the same price. that power supply is shit too, spend around $70 on an antec/corsair/pc power&cooling and you'll be solid.
  17. They also don't last worth shit, although the overall quality of CFLs has gone up a lot in the last two years. I'm just waiting for LED bulbs to get in the cheap range with good color and illumination.
  18. fucking lol Nothing crazy. Once had sex with a nymphomaniac 24 year old mother of two (I was 21 at the time) I met her two kids a week prior. Damn I'm glad I wrapped that shit.
  19. If recovering doesnt work, I've seen the partition structures go bad on these a lot. You should be able to attempt to repair the partition without overwriting the sectors containing data.
  20. I've helped a friend build a water cooled rig using a radiator from a civic. Works fucking great.
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