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Everything posted by unfunnyryan

  1. Mosin no hurt no more. Mosin is glorious rifle of mother russia. If I have 10 rifles I have 10 friends :masturboy:
  2. i was waiting for it to catch on something in reverse and flip on him.
  3. 10 Mosin Nagants and 9 friends. $1000 gets you an AR, it gets me a militia.
  4. South Korea actually developed a plan this year in which they start saving a shit ton of money to rebuild North Korea. They say it will overall be some stupid fucking amount of money, several times their GDP.
  5. SST is like a bronze terran player going all in tier 1 units vs a zerg who doesn't know how to do anything other than zerg rushes with a single infestor.
  6. Sig 226/8/9, CZ-75, G17/19, 92FS. About the most issued handguns in the world for pretty good reasons. Google "Wonder nine"
  7. Don't even get me started with my time at NASR, when I bought my P99. I had turned 21 that day, and their electronic background check was throwing fits with that. All the staff was yelling at each other, pissed off, etc. It ended with one guy saying "just go get a fucking paper form for him." I think that's the only time I've ever bought a gun and didn't leave with a smile. Being younger, I've been treated pretty poorly in comparison at a lot of shops. I know there is friendly people at all the shops, but I don't seem to get helped by them very often.
  8. Most I've been pissed at vances is when their number printer jammed up, so they pulled out the next 10 tickets. Then they decided that they would move the counter up to the number now coming out of the printer, skipping around 20 people.
  9. Elevator is all the convincing I need to go.
  10. 97 pos honda want to go?
  11. Had one of these for a while. Shot it a good bit, was super accurate. Chamber was dirty when I got it, so they test them a good bit before they send them out. For a plinker in a handgun cartridge, they are pretty amazing guns.
  12. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=74451
  13. HAVE A HAPPY SWEET 16 http://th148.photobucket.com/albums/s11/slenna100_fam/th_ththSparklyHearts.gifhttp://th148.photobucket.com/albums/s11/slenna100_fam/th_ththSparklyHearts.gifhttp://th148.photobucket.com/albums/s11/slenna100_fam/th_ththSparklyHearts.gif http://www.discussny.com/attachments/introductions-celebrations/1579d1249431912-happy-birthday-sherri-sweet.gif http://th148.photobucket.com/albums/s11/slenna100_fam/th_ththSparklyHearts.gifhttp://th148.photobucket.com/albums/s11/slenna100_fam/th_ththSparklyHearts.gifhttp://th148.photobucket.com/albums/s11/slenna100_fam/th_ththSparklyHearts.gif
  14. It's easy because we make it easy. In England half a city gets lit on fire over a "football" game.
  15. Thankfully it should be covered by insurance... Shitty part is, this is my 2nd claim in 2 months for damage from someone elses negligence or jackassery. The worst part isn't the mirror either, the paint on the door got fucked hard.
  16. http://stickerish.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/RageFaceBlackSS.png
  17. gabe y u gotta gay me so hard bro in4pics
  18. Some faggot decided it was a fine time to kick and pull the mirror off my car at the bar tonight. HAPPY THANKS GIVING. http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/379564_10150379670232373_601507372_8909999_1943438462_n.jpg
  19. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=fd8_1321653527 I dare you to find a better 9 minutes today.
  20. slowest profile on CR
  21. Brightness and resolution are two big concerns for me personally. no. although new ones are getting much better for the price. You could probably find affordable new ones comparable to high end 2 year old ones for about the same price. not my market of expertise, sorry.
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